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What Does A Vegan Use Instead Of Gelatin
So many dishes are made with gelatin. They include many summer favorites. Both sweet and
savory dishes have been based on gelatin.
Children love fruit flavored gelatin based dishes such as jello. A more adult dinner table can be
graced with a salad in a gelatin mould. Mousses and cheesecakes can both call for gelatin.
So what can a vegan or a strict vegetarian use who wants to avoid animal products. Even meat
eaters may wish to use an alternative to gelatin for health reasons.
Gelatin is derived from beef or pork. Cooks sometimes make their own by boiling bones or pigs'
trotters but most often it is bought in powder form ready made in packets. It can then simply be
added to water that is just below boiling point. This provides the basis for a whole range of
jellied dishes.
A vegan or vegetarian can use rice starch, arrowroot or potato starch for some of these dishes.
A fruit or vegetable flan can be covered in a jelly like glaze by blending a little of one of these
products with water and then adding it to boiling water. It is important to stir the mixture
vigorously to prevent lumps forming. If lumps do form use a food processor to remove them.
But for a molded jelly shape you will need something different. A seaweed based product called
agar-agar is the thing to use here. This can be bought in powder form and added to hot water
just like gelatin. It is even available to buy it in flavored forms that will make the traditional jello
that children and many adults love.
Be careful not to keep an agar-agar jelly too long. They should be eaten on the same day as
they are made because they provide an ideal environment for bacteria to grow.
But they are quick to make and quicker than gelatin to set. So it is not really a problem to make
one quickly just before you need it. In powder form agar- agar will keep for months. That makes it a good stand by to keep in your
store cupboard.
Many non-vegetarians will find it useful to keep some handy for visiting vegetarians. In many
ways it is easier to use than gelatin which can easily go "stringy" if the water used is too hot.
Agar-agar is almost fool proof.
Vegetarianism And Cancer: The Evidence
Vegetarianism has the reputation of being a healthy diet because it is low in fat and high in
vegetable products and fibre. An increasing number of scientific studies are showing that a
vegetarian diet can help to prevent cancer and can assist the body to recover from cancer when
combined with chemo-therapy or radiation therapy.
A vegetarian diet is not an alternative to conventional forms of treatment. It would be unwise to
reject medical treatments that have been shown to work. Only the irresponsible would
recommend a cancer patient to reject conventional medical treatment.
What a vegetarian diet can do for a patient who is undergoing cancer treatment is to help their
body cope with the side effects. A diet high in natural fruit and vegetable juices will provide the
body with important nutrients that help the natural healing process.
Patients who adopt a vegetarian diet often report an improvement in their general outlook and
their attitude to the disease. In part this may be because they are eating a nutrient rich diet.
But the psychological effect of switching to a vegetarian diet can be as important as the
nutritional value. Cancer patients suffer from a feeling of loss of control because their whole life
becomes dominated by a complex regime of treatment that is in the hands of specialists. When
they change to a vegetarian diet they regain their sense of control over their own lives.
The effect of psychology on disease should never be underestimated. It is well documented in
the medical literature as the placebo effect. Feeling better should not be dismissed in cancer
treatment. Vegetarianism will do not harm and it may do some good.
But it is in cancer prevention that the benefits of vegetarianism are most thoroughly
documented. A diet which contains many soya based products has been shown to be
associated with a low risk of cancer. Breast cancer in particular is very rare among women who
eat a soy based diet. Vegetarianism is the soy based diet par excellence.
Diets which are high in meat, especially red meat like beef, has been shown to be associated
with a higher incidence of colon cancer. Animal fat may also be associated with a higher level of
breast cancer in younger women. Dairy products may be associated with an elevated risk of
ovarian cancer.
A vegetarian diet alone can never eliminate the risk of cancer because there are so many
environmental and genetic factors involved. But it can reduce the risk because it is high in fruit
and vegetables that contain substances called flavonoids and other antioxidants that destroy
the free radicals which can cause cancer.
Free radicals are molecules that damage the DNA of cells. We are exposed to free radicals
through pollution as well as diet so they are almost impossible to avoid. But by eating a
vegetarian diet that is rich in fruit in vegetables we can help our bodies to resist their effects.
Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians can Enjoy Tofu
Tofu is often a object of fun. Those who have never eaten it often laugh at it. Even some
vegetarians hesitate to try it because they fear that they may be ridiculed or simply do not know
how to cook it.
But tofu is a highly nutritious food that can be cooked in variety of delicious ways. Vegetarians
and non-vegetarians can enjoy it. What is more it has proven health benefits.
Tofu comes in two forms. There is silken tofu which you will find on the supermarket shelf with
oriental foods. Silken tofu can be kept for a long time without refrigeration if the packet is
unopened. Once opened it must be stored in the fridge.
You will find regular tofu in the chiller department of you supermarket. It usually comes in a
plastic vacuum pack.
Both kinds of tofu come in a white block. It looks something like cheese. Silken tofu is widely
used in Japanese cooking but both kinds of tofu can be used in most dishes that call for tofu.
When you taste tofu you will discover that there is no comparison with cheese. it tastes of
nothing. That is the secret of cooking tofu. You are adding the flavor. The advantage is that tofu
is endlessly adaptable. It takes on the flavor of the herbs, spices and vegetables with which it is
You can use it in stir fries by cutting it into little cubes. Flavor it with garlic, ginger, sesame oil,
chilies or whatever you like to add to your favorite stir fry. If you keep a block of silken tofu in the
store cupboard you will always have something make a stir fry in a hurry.
Tofu can also be used for salad dressings and creamy sauces for savory or sweet dishes.
Throw either kind in the food processor with the flavorings you want to use. For a salad dressing
choose garlic, lemon juice, honey or herbs. if you make the same dressing thicker it can be
used as a spread or dip.
You might like to try it as a filling in baked potato. Roasted vegetables with a tofu dip make a
delicious first course or snack meal.
A thick paste of tofu can even be made into a burger and served in a bun. It is an ideal
vegetarian option for the barbecue.
For a sweet sauce add some honey, cinnamon perhaps, nutmeg, even chocolate or pureed
fruit. You can use the same mixture for a cheesecake recipe if you make it a little stiffer than you
would for a sauce. A few chopped nuts sprinkled on top add a variety of texture.
Tofu is a very healthy food. It is low in fat and contains no animal fat at all. It will not raise your
cholesterol levels and is reputed to play a part in raising the level of "good" cholesterol.
The isoflavones found in soya based products such as tofu are thought to play a part in
reducing the risk of cancer because they combat free radicals in the body.
Whether you use tofu as part of a vegetarian diet or a non-vegetarian diet it is a food worthy trying.
Why Should You Become A Vegetarian?
There are three basic reasons why you should become a vegetarian. Firstly, a vegetarian diet is
good for your health. Secondly, it is a contribution to the welfare of animals. Thirdly, becoming a
vegetarian is good for the environment.
Let's start with your health. By eating a vegetarian diet you will consume considerably less
saturated fat than by eating a conventional meat based diet. This will be good for the health of
your heart.
Studies have shown that people who eat nuts on a regular basis are less likely to suffer heart
attacks. Vegetarians depend on nuts as one of their sources of protein. Heart disease has
become a major killer in all modern industrialized societies.
That alone would be a major reason to consider becoming a vegetarian. But the health benefits
are even greater than that. Vegetarians are seldom obese. Obesity and the health problems
associated with it have become a major public health issue.
Most vegetarians consume a lot of complex carbohydrates. These are the "good carbs" you will
have heard of that do not cause rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels. When we experience a
rush of blood sugar we must produce more insulin. If this process is repeated our bodies can
become insensitive to our own insulin and type 2 diabetes may result in extreme cases. Type 2
diabetes is becoming increasingly common even in comparatively young people because of the
modern diet.
Cancer is another killer disease that is on the increase. A vegetarian diet can play a part in
reducing the risk of some cancers because it is high in fibre and high anti-oxidants that combat
free radicals.
By eliminating meat from your diet as a vegetarian you are reducing your exposure to antibiotics
that are used in animal husbandry and to the hormones that are used as growth promoters and
to increase milk production. Antibiotics in food can result in antibiotic resistance. Hormones fed
to animals can disrupt the activity of the hormones that our own bodies produce.
The intensive production of animals in factory farming systems raises major issues of animal
welfare. There are also environmental concerns because factory farming is so resource hungry.
Vast amounts of land are used to produce animal feed that could be used more efficiently to
produce food for people. If more of us were vegetarians fewer children would go to bed hungry.
By becoming a vegetarian you are contributing to your own health, to the welfare of other
people, to the welfare of animals and to the health of the planet. As an individual your
contribution may be small, but your decision to become a vegetarian will influence others.
Can You Really Switch To Vegetarianism During Your Pregnancy?
Pregnancy brings a new responsibility. You have charge of the health and well being of another
human being. For many of us it is the time when we give up high risk activities like drinking and
smoking. A major change in diet sounds risky too, but changing to a vegetarian diet in
pregnancy really should not be seen in that light. Taken slowly and sensibly changing to
vegetarianism during pregnancy is quite safe.
You should, of course, discuss your diet and any changes you plan to make to it with your
health care professional. If they see that you are taking the process seriously they will probably
be supportive of your decision to change to vegetarianism during pregnancy.
If you approach becoming a vegetarian seriously it will benefit both you and your baby. A typical
vegetarian eats far less junk food than most people. They are more likely to prepare meals from
basic ingredients and to consume a wide variety of vegetables, fruit, nuts, pulses and grains
than people who eat processed food. If you are not totally vegan then you will also be eating
dairy produce such as milk and cheese and eggs. That should ensure you a balanced diet.
In pregnancy a woman has special dietary needs. A pregnant woman only needs about 300
extra calories a day and between 10 and 16 grams of extra protein. But it is important to ensure
that you get enough folic acid, iron, zinc and vitamin B-12. Leafy green vegetables are useful
here. As a vegetarian you will probably get more of these than on a typical modern diet. Your
health professional will be on the look out for deficiencies. It will help them to know that you are
vegetarian. Discuss whether you need dietary supplements.
Going vegetarian presents your body with many challenges. So it is important to take it slowly.
This is true at any time, but it is especially true when you plan to go vegetarian during
pregnancy. The best advice is to take it slowly. Make the transition gradually by eating
vegetarian one or two days a week at first. This allows your body to detoxify itself slowly.
Taking things step by step also allows you to introduce new sources of protein into your diet
gradually. It will give you chance to learn how to use plant based proteins like soya. There's an art to making a good tofu burger or a tasty lentil soup. Changing your shopping habits takes
time too.
Something else to consider when changing to a vegetarian diet during pregnancy is the need for
exercise and sunlight. Sunlight is necessary for your body to manufacture its own vitamin D. A
dietary supplement may be necessary depending where you live and the time of year.
At any time the transition to vegetarianism should be about achieving a healthy life style. This is
especially true when the change to vegetarianism is made during pregnancy. Going vegetarian
during pregnancy is perfectly possible provided that you do so carefully and in consultation with
your health professional. Above all listen to your own body. The transition to vegetarianism
during your pregnancy can be beneficial to both you and your baby.
When Milk Is Not A Healthy Food
Milk is often praised as a perfect food which contains all the protein, fats and minerals that are
needed for a healthy life. It is often recommended that we drink a pint of milk a day.
Milk is, after all, the only food for the young of mammals. It seems natural that we should rely on
it and other dairy produce manufactured from milk as a source of nutrition.
But matters are not so straightforward. Cows' milk is not a natural food for human beings. For
human infants it can be harmful unless modified as it is infant formula.
Older children can often tolerate milk, but many adults lose the stomach enzyme that allows
them to digest milk. In northern latitudes many adults retain that enzyme and they can digest
milk. But in other parts of the world adults seldom have the ability to do so.
As societies become more diverse it is not uncommon to encounter individuals who cannot
tolerate milk in their diet.
Even those of us who can drink milk need to be aware of health concerns that are linked to a
high consumption of milk and dairy produce. Full cream milk can help to raise the body's level of
cholesterol because it contains animal fat. This is even more true of cheese, butter and cream,
which contain a higher proportion of fat.
Skimmed milk may be answer to this problem but a high consumption of dairy foods has been
associated with various forms of cancer. Breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer
have all been linked to dairy foods. A Harvard study showed that if too much dairy produce is
consumed the body's enzymes may not be able to break down the lactose that milk contains.
This can build up in the blood stream and contribute to cancer formation in the body's organs.
Milk produced under modern factory farming conditions is a long way from the milk that used to
be available. Cows do not necessarily graze on grass. They may be kept indoors and fed on
concentrates. This has several consequences for their milk. Milk from grass fed cattle is typically
high in vitamin D. But milk from cattle reared indoors is not.
Vitamin D is essential if we are to utilize calcium in bone growth and repair. We may be drinking
milk in the belief that it helps us avoid osteoporosis when in fact it does not. Milk is not a reliable
source of either vitamin D or calcium.
Milk can also contain high levels of hormones such as IGF-I. This substance has been linked to
a number of cancers.
It is possible to avoid milk and still obtain sufficient nutrients from a variety of other sources.
Leafy green vegetables and whole grains are a good source of calcium. Vegetables such as
carrots are a good source of vitamin D. Soya products contain no animal fat and are often
fortified with both vitamin D and calcium.
The Importance Of Eating A Healthful Vegetarian Diet
So often when people say they are vegetarian they mean that they do not eat meat. But being a
vegetarian is about more than just not eating meat. It is possible to be a vegetarian in the sense
of not eating meat and eat a very unhealthy diet indeed.
A vegetarian diet may by high in cholesterol if it relies too much on cheese and eggs. It may be
low in fibre if it is based on refined grain products like white bread, white pasta and white rice. If
it lacks fresh vegetables you diet will be deficient in vitamins and minerals. You may vegetarian
but you may not be eating a healthful vegetarian diet.
Going vegetarian is about more than just not eating meat. It means taking a positive decision to
eat a wide range of foods that provide a balanced mixture of nutrients.
It is important to plan the change to a vegetarian diet. This may mean buying some new
equipment for your kitchen. If you are used to eating convenience foods you may need to buy
some basic items.
The next step is to plan your meals. Not all vegetarian meals rely on cheese, eggs and milk for
protein. These are useful ingredients in a vegetarian diet but not by any means essential. It is
perfectly possible to get enough protein by combining grains with pulse such as peas, beans
and lentils. A bowl of lentil soup with a slice of bread provides all the essential amino you need.
Chili beans and rice combine in the same way to create what is called a complete protein.
A diet based on pulses and whole grains has the immense of advantage of providing you with
enough fibre. This is important to maintain colon health. Cancer of the colon is most common
among people who eat a diet based on over-refined processed foods. Fibre is one of the key
ingredients in a healthful vegetarian diet.
Switching to a high fibre diet takes a little time. Your body needs to adjust. So take things slowly at first.
A healthful vegetarian diet based on whole grains, pulses, nuts, fruits, and vegetables will also
be good for your heart as it is low in fat. The fats you use in vegetarian cooking should be
vegetable fats and oils such as olive oil, coconut oil or groundnut oil. There is no reason to
exclude butter from a vegetarian diet especially if most of the fat you are consuming is of
vegetable origin.
One of the great things about a healthful vegetarian diet is that it helps to maintain you weight at
the right level. You will still pile on the pounds if you binge on ice cream but a really healthful
vegetarian diet leaves you feeling satisfied so that you are less likely to overindulge in sweet things.
Don't Be A Lazy Vegetarian
Vegetarianism has become big business. The shelves of our supermarkets are full of products
aimed at the vegetarian. They all look so convenient and we all need to save time. We are
inevitably tempted to be a bit lazy sometimes and cut corners.
But vegetarians need to be aware what is in those handy little packages or they could be putting
their health at risk. So don't be a lazy vegetarian in the supermarket: read those labels.
You need to check how much sugar is in the product, how much fat and whether refined
carbohydrates have been used. A little bit of refined flour, the occasional sweet or fatty treat are
not in themselves bad for a vegetarian. But these substances become a problem when they
make up a large part of the vegetarian diet.
Even a vegetarian can get fat if they eat enough fat, sugar and refined carbohydrate. As a
vegetarian, you should train your palate and that of your children to expect less of these foods
and the instant sugar rush that goes with them.
Many of the fats used in commercial vegetarian foods are what is called transfatty acids. These
are associated with an elevated risk of cancer. So even if the fats used in a vegetarian product
are derived from vegetable sources they may have been modified so much in the manufacturing
process that they are no longer healthy.
Of course, vegetarians lead busy lives and there are times when we need a quick snack or a
meal in hurry. In these situations opt for healthy alternative. A bowl of whole meal cereal will fill
that hungry gap before the evening meal when you come home. Keep a good range of fresh
fruits on hand. This is natural grab and go vegetarian food.
Vegetarian food does not always take a long time to cook and prepare. Red split lentils take 10
minutes to cook and can become the basis of all kinds of curries, soups, stews and burgers.
If you keep some cooked pulse on hand in the fridge you can rustle up a vegetarian meal very
quickly. Or cook twice as much as you need when you have the time and freeze it for later. A
little planning allows a vegetarian to be lazy in a healthy way.
May be when you feel that vegetarian cooking it just too slow you should ask yourself "What's
the hurry?" Vegetarian food should not be a quick refueling stop. Set out a platter of vegetable
sticks and olives with a hummous dip. Cut up a loaf of whole meal bread. Take time to discuss
the events of the day. By the time you have done that your main vegetarian meal of the evening will be ready.
Alternative Sources Of Protein For The Vegetarian
In a conventional diet protein is obtained from meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products such as
cheese. These all contain complete proteins that contain all the essential amino acids that are
needed for the human body. A vegetarian diet must derive protein from other sources.
Protein is found in many vegetable sources. Some of these vegetable proteins are complete in
that they contain all the essential amino acids just like animal protein. Others are incomplete
and must be combined together to produce a complete protein that the body can use.
Most plant foods contain some protein. A vegetarian who eats a wide variety of foods will
consume sufficient protein in the course of day.
Nuts and seeds are an under appreciated source of protein. They can be added to a wide range
of sweet and savory vegetarian dishes.
Soya beans are source of complete protein and for that reason soya products are an important
part of a vegetarian diet. Commercially manufactured soya based meat substitutes are now
widely available in supermarkets. They come in variety of forms and are often made into pies,
burgers, sausages and other ready prepared products that offer the busy vegetarian a
convenience food.
Soya milk can be found in most chiller cabinets next to the cows' milk. You will also find soya
yoghurts and soya cheeses. A more traditional soya product is tofu which has long been used in
Chinese cooking.
Another meat substitute is mycoprotein which is made from a variety of fungus. Like soya
protein it is sold in various forms that can be used in a range of recipes. You will also find it in
ready made products often sold under the brand name "Quorn."
Beans, peas and lentils, known collectively as pulse, make up one of the major sources of
protein for a vegetarian. They are incomplete proteins and must be combined with other incomplete proteins, such as grains, or complete proteins, such as eggs or milk, to make a
complete protein food. Usually this is done in one dish such as beans and rice or beans on
toast, but this is not always necessary as the body can store protein and combine it later.
Three Health Advantages Of A Vegetarian Diet
A vegetarian diet offers a number of health advantages when compared to the typical diet that is
eaten by the majority of people in the rich industrial countries. The healthy character of a
vegetarian diet derives from the fact that it is rich in fruit and vegetables, contains large amounts
of fibre and is low in animal fat.
In recent years the problems of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, the degenerative diseases of
old age and cancers have been on the increase. Provided it is well planned, a vegetarian diet
addresses all the modern health problems.
It is possible to become obese on a vegetarian diet, but an overweight vegetarian is a rarity. A
vegetarian diet is likely to include many slow release carbohydrates, such as brown rice, whole
meal bread and root vegetables, that raise the body's blood sugar level slowly. This has major
implications for both obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Much of the fat in a vegetarian diet is derived from nuts and seeds which contain essential fatty
acids known as omega 3, 6 and 9. These essential fatty acids do not raise cholesterol levels
and so benefit the heart. They play a vital role in the brain and help to maintain the suppleness
of joints, as well as ensuring good skin and hair.
Soya products make up an important component of a vegetarian diet. Studies show that soya
actively reduced the body's cholesterol levels and so contributes to heart health.
One of the key health advantages of a vegetarian diet is its high fibre content. Fruit, vegetables
and whole grains all contain fibre. Fibre is essential to maintain the health of the colon and
bowels. Studies have shown that a high fibre diet is linked to a low incidence of pre-cancerous
growths in the colon.
The fruit and vegetables that a vegetarian consumes contain important anti-oxidants which
combat the free radicals that can cause cancer.
The Top Five Nutrients Vegetarians Lack
When you are beginning the process of converting to a vegetarian diet it is important to plan
carefully. You need to make yourself familiar with the nutrient value of your food and how foods
interact with one another.
A vegetarian diet can be lacking in five essential nutrients unless it is planned. These are
protein, iron. calcium, zinc and vitamin B-12. In a meat based diet these are easily obtained
from animal products. If dairy produce and eggs are included in a vegetarian diet these
essential nutrients should not be in short supply.
If you have decided to eat a vegetarian diet, whether for reasons of health or because of ethical
considerations, you need to consider where you will obtain these nutrients. It is perfectly
possible for a vegetarian to derive these nutrients from vegetable sources with a little thought.
A vegetarian can obtain protein from beans, peas, lentils and other pulses. These vegetarian
staples need to be mixed with grains such as rice, barley or wheat, which also contain protein,
because only together do they make what is called a complete protein. A complete protein
contains all the essential amino acid that are found in meat and other animal products.
Soya beans are unique among beans in containing all the essential amino acids without the
addition of grains. Soya products make up an important part of a vegetarian diet for that reason.
Soya milk, soya yoghurt, soya cheeses, tofu and soya meat substitutes make up an important
part of a healthy vegetarian diet.
A vegetarian diet need not be lacking in protein if it contains a variety of pulse, grains, nuts and
seeds. Sprinkling a few sesame seeds on a meal will increase its protein content.
It is not even necessary to include different incomplete vegetable proteins in the same meal to
create a balanced protein. The body is capable of storing amino acids and combining them
Many of the commercially available soya products have calcium, zinc and vitamin B-12 added in
the manufacturing process. But a vegetarian should also ensure that these nutrients are present
in the rest of their diet.
Soya beans are also a good source of iron as are seeds such as pumpkin seeds. Quinoa, a
seed that cooks like rice and can be used as the starch component of a meal contains iron.
Zinc is vital for growth and cell division. It is essential for reproductive health. for liver function
and insulin activity. It is present in dairy foods as well as beans, lentils nuts and seeds. Chick
peas are a good source of zinc, as is tahini paste. A hummous dip is more than a tasty snack it
is valuable source of a nutrients in a vegetarian diet.
Calcium need not be a major problem in a vegetarian diet. If a vegetarian diet includes dairy
produce it will provide enough calcium. Even for vegans it is possible to obtain calcium from
plant sources. Whole meal bread is a fairly good source of calcium as are dried apricots. Baked
beans and broccoli are both good sources of calcium.
Where vitamin B-12 is concerned it is only necessary to resort to supplements if eggs and milk are excluded from a vegetarian diet.
Ideas For Adding Some Variety To Your Vegetarian Lifestyle
Variety is not only good for vegetarians because the same old food can become boring but it is
also necessary. Making sure that your vegetarian diet is varied is the best way to ensure that
your get enough of the right nutrients.
You should never stick to one or two recipes and never be tempted to confine yourself to a few
commercial products because they seem easy to prepare. If you do that you simply will not get
a balanced diet and you will become bored. That is why so many vegetarians give up after a
short time.
When you visit the supermarket spend time in the fresh produce section. If your usual store
does not carry fresh produce go to another one or find a local supplier. Fresh fruit and
vegetables are the main stay of a healthy and varied vegetarian diet.
Get to know what is in season and how to prepare it. A vegetarian should learn what fresh fruit
and vegetables look like, feel like and smell like. Vegetarians who can shop in farmers' markets
have an advantage. But many supermarkets are improving the range of fruit and vegetables
they stock.
If you choose a variety of colors of fruit and vegetables you will automatically have a range of
nutrients. Vegetarian meals should not be colorless.
The look of food is often underestimated by vegetarians. But we eat with our eyes. The sight of
a plate of beautiful food sets out mouth salivating as much as the smell of new baked bread.
Speaking of new baked bread, vegetarians should learn to bake bread. A sourdough rye loaf
fresh from the oven or a crusty whole meal with poppy seeds can make a simple vegetarian
meal into a gourmet feast. A simple vegetarian sold or a bowl of lentil can become a complete meal with good bread.
If eating butter is a problem because you are watching your cholesterol levels then dip your
bread in olive oil. When you try this with quality home made bread you will see how delicious it
is. Vegetarians have respect for vegetables so find the best olive you can. It will be worth it. The
varied taste of olive oil from different countries or even different estates will in itself add variety
to you vegetarian diet.
Beans, lentils and grains are the staples of vegetarian diet. But they can become boring. Never
be afraid to try new types or pulse and grain. if you have never eaten quinoa then you should. It
is quick to cook and makes a change from rice. Try using barley instead of rice. Even the
vegetarian staples need not be dull.
Making A Vegan Cake
Making a cake for a vegan sounds like a daunting task and possibly not be very rewarding one.
No eggs, no butter, and no milk - how can that be a cake. But the secret is to stop thinking of it
as a series of prohibitions and think of it as an opportunity to be creative.
Your vegan cake may be the best one you have ever made if you think outside the box. You are
not making a substitute for a traditional cake. You are making a vegan cake. This is a cake in its
own right.
A vegan cake might be a stack of pancakes made with buckwheat flour and layered with
cashew cream and fresh strawberries. Cashew cream is made by grinding cashew nuts with a
small quantity of water in a food processor.
Many fruit cakes do not require eggs because they are not intended to rise very high like a
sponge cake. When decorated with icing they will be indistinguishable from any other fruit cake.
Obviously you must use vegetable margarine.
A brownie type cake can be made without egg using only baking powder to make it rise. It will
not have the height of a traditional sponge cake. But once it is cool you can assemble it into a
taller and more impressive creation.
A cake of this kind can be made with good quality vegetable oil rather than margarine. This has
definite health benefits.
For preference use whole meal flour in your vegan cake. You can also cut down on sugar or
eliminate it altogether by using applesauce or grated carrot to sweeten it. This will make your
vegan cake a much healthier option.
Sometimes you will have just have to make a birthday cake. In this case you will have to resort
to an egg substitute. There is no other way to get the effect of a sponge that rises and stays
risen when baked. The protein in the egg sets in the process of baking. Your local health food store will be able to provide you with a product known as Ener-G Egg Replacer. This will do the
job and allow you to produce a vegan cake that is indistinguishable from a the "real thing."
Why Vegans Don't Consume Dairy Products
Becoming a vegan means giving up milk and dairy products such as butter and cheese. This a
major change for people who are used to a European diet that historically has always used dairy
But in many cultures dairy produce is eaten at all or only rarely. A vegan diet is common in
some non-Western societies. It is therefore entirely possible to eat a balanced vegan diet that
does not include dairy produce.
The emphasis on dairy produce in the Western diet has produced an enormous industry to
stock our supermarket shelves. The nature of this industry is perhaps one of the best reasons
for becoming a vegan and cutting milk and dairy produce out of your diet.
What was once a treat for high days and holidays has become a daily staple. There are
powerful commercial interests involved in encouraging us to eat more dairy produce. That
change in our diet has had serious effects on health. The same changes can be seen in other
cultures that are in the process of changing to a Western diet.
The demand for milk has created an intensive dairy industry in which cows are treated as units
of production not living creatures. Dairy cows are selectively bred for the highest milk yield.
They are impregnated every year so that they continue to produce milk.
Cows in intensive dairy units are treated with antibiotics and hormones. Some of them never set
foot on grass. The old image of the placid dairy cow in a green field is a thing of the past.
Calves are no more than a by-product of the process of producing milk. They are taken from
their mothers within weeks of their birth. Male calves are disposed of as uneconomic or are sent
for veal production.
More humane farming systems are used on some farms. Vegetarians who wish to consume
dairy produce should seek out milk produced on farms with high welfare standards. But even if you can source good quality dairy produce from farms with high welfare standards
you may wish to eliminate dairy produce from your diet and become a vegan. A vegan diet is a
realistic option and for many people a vegan diet is an ethical option.
Why Vegans Don't Eat Eggs
Vegans are vegetarians who do not eat eggs or any other animal product. This is the strictest
form of vegetarianism.
Many people feel that this is too extreme and too restrictive. They prefer a form of vegetarianism
that includes eggs and other animal products that do not involve the death or harm of living
Vegetarians cooking for children are often advised to include some eggs in their diet. Pregnant
women who are vegetarians often do the same. The advantage of eggs is that they are highly
nutritious. They contain the same nutrients as meat because they are the food supply for the
embryonic chick.
But modern farming techniques are convincing an increasing number of people that it is
unethical to eat eggs. The battery farms in which most of the eggs available on supermarket
shelves are produced cause harm and suffering to millions of hens. They are kept in confined
conditions without space to move and engage in natural behavior. As a result they peck one
another and have to be de-beaked. Their legs are malformed and they lose their feathers.
Some of us opt for free range eggs but there is no agreed definition of what free range means.
Without visiting the farm it is very hard to know how the hens that produced the eggs have been
treated. Even in a free range setting the chicks have been selected to ensure that they are
female. A huge number of male chicks are discarded in this process and go into industrially
prepared foods.
You might decide to raise your own hens. Backyard poultry keeping is becoming increasingly
popular. But even here there are ethical decisions to be made. Hens that are no longer laying
eggs traditionally go into the pot. That is fine if you are a carnivore but not if you are a
There are also strong health reasons for not eating eggs. Eggs are a source of saturated fat.
They can raise you cholesterol level. So if you are worried about your heart health and have been told to reduce you cholesterol level it may be worth thinking about a vegan diet. It is
possible for an adult to eat a balanced diet that does not include eggs.
You Are What You Eat
You’ve certainly heard the expression many times, “You are what you eat.” Have you ever really
thought about what it means? And do you think about it when you’re making food choices?
In some ways, we do become what we eat, literally. Have you ever seen an example of your
blood plasma after eating a fast food hamburger? What was previously a clear liquid becomes
cloudy with the fat and cholesterol that’s absorbed from eating a high-fat hamburger.
And when you think about it, we also become what we don’t eat. When we switch from eating
meat to a vegetarian-based diet, we become less fat, less prone to many types of cancers. Our
cholesterol can improve. When we’re leaner and eating fewer animal products, then many other
health and fitness issues are reduced. The incidence of Type II diabetes is reduced. Blood
pressure falls into normal ranges. When you’re healthier, you’re taking fewer medications. Even
if you have a prescription drug benefit in your health plan, you’re still saving money with fewer
co-payments on medications.
If you have a family history of high cholesterol or high blood pressure, then it’s particularly
incumbent on you to revise your eating habits. Moving towards a more vegetarian diet has been
shown statistically to reduce the incidence of so many of the diseases of industrialized
countries. Vegetarians are statistically healthier than omnivorous persons; they’re leaner and
live longer.
Isn’t it time to think about what you want to be and to eat accordingly? Do you want to be
sluggish and fat? Do you want the risk that goes with eating animal products, with their high fat
content? Or do you want to look like and be what vegetarians are? Leaner and fitter with a
longer anticipated lifespan. It’s never too late to change what you’re doing and increase your
chances for a longer, fitter life.
The consumption of turkeys in the U.S. has escalated through the years. It’s no longer eaten
primarily at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but throughout the year. The process of massproducing
turkeys for human consumption is as barbaric, if not more so, than the process of
mass-producing chickens.
Turkeys are kept in cramped, dark spaces to discourage the naturally aggressive behaviors that
occur when an animal is kept confined without space to roam and feed freely. They’re overfed to
the point where their legs can’t support the weight of the breast tissue. And this animal which
normally has a 10-years life span is generally slaughtered at about 2 years of age.
Unhealthy and overcrowded conditions mean that disease amongst commercial turkeys is
widespread, resulting in approximately 2.7 million turkeys dying in their sheds every year. Foot
and leg deformities, heat stress and starvation caused by the inability of immature birds to find
the feed and water troughs are commonplace. Ulcerated feet and hock burns are common -
caused by continual contact with litter contaminated by urine and feces.
Can you really sit at dinner on your next holiday and look at a roasted turkey the same way?
Turkeys come with the same recommendations for cleanliness and cooking that chickens do.
You have to be sure they’re cooked to a specific temperature to ensure that any diseasecausing
bacteria are completely killed. You should clean up any counter space with bleach,
again to kill all bacteria.
It makes a compelling case for switching to a vegetarian diet, doesn’t it? Suddenly, the jokes
about vegetarian dinners, with nut loaves and vegetables, instead of meat, seem to make more
sense, not only from a health standpoint, but from a humane issue as well. Why do we persist in
eating in such a way that makes us unhealthy and is inherently bad for us? For you next holiday
dinner, consider the possibilities of an all-vegetarian menu. So much of the dinner is vegetablebased
to begin with; it’s a small change to replace turkey with a plant-based main course as
Pig Farming
Many people reject eating pork and other meats derived from pigs for religious reasons or
health reasons. When people start eating a more vegetarian diet, red meat is usually the first
thing they eliminate from their diets. When they do, various health indicators generally start to
improve, such as their cholesterol levels and blood pressure readings. Health is one of the most
compelling reasons to eat vegetarian, but the inhumane treatment of the animals massproduced
for human consumption is another reason many people are rejecting a carnivorous
Pig farming follows the same processes that chicken farming and other animal farming employ.
The pigs are kept in small crates with limited movement. They’re overfed so they can be
slaughtered more quickly. Their living conditions can be dirty and they’re fed growth hormones
to stimulate weight gain and antibiotics to ward off diseases that are the results of their living
They’re forced to live in unnatural conditions and they exhibit signs of chronic stress that other
animals produced for human food do. They chew on the bars of their cages or worry with their
water bottles excessively. Their limited range of movement prevents the rooting behavior that’s
natural for a pig.
The pigs pay an extremely high price to feed us. And we pay a high price for eating pork and
other red meat. We’re basically not made to eat meat. Our teeth weren’t developed to rip and
tear meat. We evolved from herbivores and it’s still the better way for us to eat. When we
eliminate red meat and other meats and animal products from our diet, we get healthier – more
lean and fit, less tired and sluggish. And there’s the added psychological benefit of knowing that
we’re not contributing to the suffering of innocent animals.
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What Does A Vegan Use Instead Of Gelatin
So many dishes are made with gelatin. They include many summer favorites. Both sweet and
savory dishes have been based on gelatin.
Children love fruit flavored gelatin based dishes such as jello. A more adult dinner table can be
graced with a salad in a gelatin mould. Mousses and cheesecakes can both call for gelatin.
So what can a vegan or a strict vegetarian use who wants to avoid animal products. Even meat
eaters may wish to use an alternative to gelatin for health reasons.
Gelatin is derived from beef or pork. Cooks sometimes make their own by boiling bones or pigs'
trotters but most often it is bought in powder form ready made in packets. It can then simply be
added to water that is just below boiling point. This provides the basis for a whole range of
jellied dishes.
A vegan or vegetarian can use rice starch, arrowroot or potato starch for some of these dishes.
A fruit or vegetable flan can be covered in a jelly like glaze by blending a little of one of these
products with water and then adding it to boiling water. It is important to stir the mixture
vigorously to prevent lumps forming. If lumps do form use a food processor to remove them.
But for a molded jelly shape you will need something different. A seaweed based product called
agar-agar is the thing to use here. This can be bought in powder form and added to hot water
just like gelatin. It is even available to buy it in flavored forms that will make the traditional jello
that children and many adults love.
Be careful not to keep an agar-agar jelly too long. They should be eaten on the same day as
they are made because they provide an ideal environment for bacteria to grow.
But they are quick to make and quicker than gelatin to set. So it is not really a problem to make
one quickly just before you need it. In powder form agar- agar will keep for months. That makes it a good stand by to keep in your
store cupboard.
Many non-vegetarians will find it useful to keep some handy for visiting vegetarians. In many
ways it is easier to use than gelatin which can easily go "stringy" if the water used is too hot.
Agar-agar is almost fool proof.
Vegetarianism And Cancer: The Evidence
Vegetarianism has the reputation of being a healthy diet because it is low in fat and high in
vegetable products and fibre. An increasing number of scientific studies are showing that a
vegetarian diet can help to prevent cancer and can assist the body to recover from cancer when
combined with chemo-therapy or radiation therapy.
A vegetarian diet is not an alternative to conventional forms of treatment. It would be unwise to
reject medical treatments that have been shown to work. Only the irresponsible would
recommend a cancer patient to reject conventional medical treatment.
What a vegetarian diet can do for a patient who is undergoing cancer treatment is to help their
body cope with the side effects. A diet high in natural fruit and vegetable juices will provide the
body with important nutrients that help the natural healing process.
Patients who adopt a vegetarian diet often report an improvement in their general outlook and
their attitude to the disease. In part this may be because they are eating a nutrient rich diet.
But the psychological effect of switching to a vegetarian diet can be as important as the
nutritional value. Cancer patients suffer from a feeling of loss of control because their whole life
becomes dominated by a complex regime of treatment that is in the hands of specialists. When
they change to a vegetarian diet they regain their sense of control over their own lives.
The effect of psychology on disease should never be underestimated. It is well documented in
the medical literature as the placebo effect. Feeling better should not be dismissed in cancer
treatment. Vegetarianism will do not harm and it may do some good.
But it is in cancer prevention that the benefits of vegetarianism are most thoroughly
documented. A diet which contains many soya based products has been shown to be
associated with a low risk of cancer. Breast cancer in particular is very rare among women who
eat a soy based diet. Vegetarianism is the soy based diet par excellence.
Diets which are high in meat, especially red meat like beef, has been shown to be associated
with a higher incidence of colon cancer. Animal fat may also be associated with a higher level of
breast cancer in younger women. Dairy products may be associated with an elevated risk of
ovarian cancer.
A vegetarian diet alone can never eliminate the risk of cancer because there are so many
environmental and genetic factors involved. But it can reduce the risk because it is high in fruit
and vegetables that contain substances called flavonoids and other antioxidants that destroy
the free radicals which can cause cancer.
Free radicals are molecules that damage the DNA of cells. We are exposed to free radicals
through pollution as well as diet so they are almost impossible to avoid. But by eating a
vegetarian diet that is rich in fruit in vegetables we can help our bodies to resist their effects.
Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians can Enjoy Tofu
Tofu is often a object of fun. Those who have never eaten it often laugh at it. Even some
vegetarians hesitate to try it because they fear that they may be ridiculed or simply do not know
how to cook it.
But tofu is a highly nutritious food that can be cooked in variety of delicious ways. Vegetarians
and non-vegetarians can enjoy it. What is more it has proven health benefits.
Tofu comes in two forms. There is silken tofu which you will find on the supermarket shelf with
oriental foods. Silken tofu can be kept for a long time without refrigeration if the packet is
unopened. Once opened it must be stored in the fridge.
You will find regular tofu in the chiller department of you supermarket. It usually comes in a
plastic vacuum pack.
Both kinds of tofu come in a white block. It looks something like cheese. Silken tofu is widely
used in Japanese cooking but both kinds of tofu can be used in most dishes that call for tofu.
When you taste tofu you will discover that there is no comparison with cheese. it tastes of
nothing. That is the secret of cooking tofu. You are adding the flavor. The advantage is that tofu
is endlessly adaptable. It takes on the flavor of the herbs, spices and vegetables with which it is
You can use it in stir fries by cutting it into little cubes. Flavor it with garlic, ginger, sesame oil,
chilies or whatever you like to add to your favorite stir fry. If you keep a block of silken tofu in the
store cupboard you will always have something make a stir fry in a hurry.
Tofu can also be used for salad dressings and creamy sauces for savory or sweet dishes.
Throw either kind in the food processor with the flavorings you want to use. For a salad dressing
choose garlic, lemon juice, honey or herbs. if you make the same dressing thicker it can be
used as a spread or dip.
You might like to try it as a filling in baked potato. Roasted vegetables with a tofu dip make a
delicious first course or snack meal.
A thick paste of tofu can even be made into a burger and served in a bun. It is an ideal
vegetarian option for the barbecue.
For a sweet sauce add some honey, cinnamon perhaps, nutmeg, even chocolate or pureed
fruit. You can use the same mixture for a cheesecake recipe if you make it a little stiffer than you
would for a sauce. A few chopped nuts sprinkled on top add a variety of texture.
Tofu is a very healthy food. It is low in fat and contains no animal fat at all. It will not raise your
cholesterol levels and is reputed to play a part in raising the level of "good" cholesterol.
The isoflavones found in soya based products such as tofu are thought to play a part in
reducing the risk of cancer because they combat free radicals in the body.
Whether you use tofu as part of a vegetarian diet or a non-vegetarian diet it is a food worthy trying.
Why Should You Become A Vegetarian?
There are three basic reasons why you should become a vegetarian. Firstly, a vegetarian diet is
good for your health. Secondly, it is a contribution to the welfare of animals. Thirdly, becoming a
vegetarian is good for the environment.
Let's start with your health. By eating a vegetarian diet you will consume considerably less
saturated fat than by eating a conventional meat based diet. This will be good for the health of
your heart.
Studies have shown that people who eat nuts on a regular basis are less likely to suffer heart
attacks. Vegetarians depend on nuts as one of their sources of protein. Heart disease has
become a major killer in all modern industrialized societies.
That alone would be a major reason to consider becoming a vegetarian. But the health benefits
are even greater than that. Vegetarians are seldom obese. Obesity and the health problems
associated with it have become a major public health issue.
Most vegetarians consume a lot of complex carbohydrates. These are the "good carbs" you will
have heard of that do not cause rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels. When we experience a
rush of blood sugar we must produce more insulin. If this process is repeated our bodies can
become insensitive to our own insulin and type 2 diabetes may result in extreme cases. Type 2
diabetes is becoming increasingly common even in comparatively young people because of the
modern diet.
Cancer is another killer disease that is on the increase. A vegetarian diet can play a part in
reducing the risk of some cancers because it is high in fibre and high anti-oxidants that combat
free radicals.
By eliminating meat from your diet as a vegetarian you are reducing your exposure to antibiotics
that are used in animal husbandry and to the hormones that are used as growth promoters and
to increase milk production. Antibiotics in food can result in antibiotic resistance. Hormones fed
to animals can disrupt the activity of the hormones that our own bodies produce.
The intensive production of animals in factory farming systems raises major issues of animal
welfare. There are also environmental concerns because factory farming is so resource hungry.
Vast amounts of land are used to produce animal feed that could be used more efficiently to
produce food for people. If more of us were vegetarians fewer children would go to bed hungry.
By becoming a vegetarian you are contributing to your own health, to the welfare of other
people, to the welfare of animals and to the health of the planet. As an individual your
contribution may be small, but your decision to become a vegetarian will influence others.
Can You Really Switch To Vegetarianism During Your Pregnancy?
Pregnancy brings a new responsibility. You have charge of the health and well being of another
human being. For many of us it is the time when we give up high risk activities like drinking and
smoking. A major change in diet sounds risky too, but changing to a vegetarian diet in
pregnancy really should not be seen in that light. Taken slowly and sensibly changing to
vegetarianism during pregnancy is quite safe.
You should, of course, discuss your diet and any changes you plan to make to it with your
health care professional. If they see that you are taking the process seriously they will probably
be supportive of your decision to change to vegetarianism during pregnancy.
If you approach becoming a vegetarian seriously it will benefit both you and your baby. A typical
vegetarian eats far less junk food than most people. They are more likely to prepare meals from
basic ingredients and to consume a wide variety of vegetables, fruit, nuts, pulses and grains
than people who eat processed food. If you are not totally vegan then you will also be eating
dairy produce such as milk and cheese and eggs. That should ensure you a balanced diet.
In pregnancy a woman has special dietary needs. A pregnant woman only needs about 300
extra calories a day and between 10 and 16 grams of extra protein. But it is important to ensure
that you get enough folic acid, iron, zinc and vitamin B-12. Leafy green vegetables are useful
here. As a vegetarian you will probably get more of these than on a typical modern diet. Your
health professional will be on the look out for deficiencies. It will help them to know that you are
vegetarian. Discuss whether you need dietary supplements.
Going vegetarian presents your body with many challenges. So it is important to take it slowly.
This is true at any time, but it is especially true when you plan to go vegetarian during
pregnancy. The best advice is to take it slowly. Make the transition gradually by eating
vegetarian one or two days a week at first. This allows your body to detoxify itself slowly.
Taking things step by step also allows you to introduce new sources of protein into your diet
gradually. It will give you chance to learn how to use plant based proteins like soya. There's an art to making a good tofu burger or a tasty lentil soup. Changing your shopping habits takes
time too.
Something else to consider when changing to a vegetarian diet during pregnancy is the need for
exercise and sunlight. Sunlight is necessary for your body to manufacture its own vitamin D. A
dietary supplement may be necessary depending where you live and the time of year.
At any time the transition to vegetarianism should be about achieving a healthy life style. This is
especially true when the change to vegetarianism is made during pregnancy. Going vegetarian
during pregnancy is perfectly possible provided that you do so carefully and in consultation with
your health professional. Above all listen to your own body. The transition to vegetarianism
during your pregnancy can be beneficial to both you and your baby.
When Milk Is Not A Healthy Food
Milk is often praised as a perfect food which contains all the protein, fats and minerals that are
needed for a healthy life. It is often recommended that we drink a pint of milk a day.
Milk is, after all, the only food for the young of mammals. It seems natural that we should rely on
it and other dairy produce manufactured from milk as a source of nutrition.
But matters are not so straightforward. Cows' milk is not a natural food for human beings. For
human infants it can be harmful unless modified as it is infant formula.
Older children can often tolerate milk, but many adults lose the stomach enzyme that allows
them to digest milk. In northern latitudes many adults retain that enzyme and they can digest
milk. But in other parts of the world adults seldom have the ability to do so.
As societies become more diverse it is not uncommon to encounter individuals who cannot
tolerate milk in their diet.
Even those of us who can drink milk need to be aware of health concerns that are linked to a
high consumption of milk and dairy produce. Full cream milk can help to raise the body's level of
cholesterol because it contains animal fat. This is even more true of cheese, butter and cream,
which contain a higher proportion of fat.
Skimmed milk may be answer to this problem but a high consumption of dairy foods has been
associated with various forms of cancer. Breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer
have all been linked to dairy foods. A Harvard study showed that if too much dairy produce is
consumed the body's enzymes may not be able to break down the lactose that milk contains.
This can build up in the blood stream and contribute to cancer formation in the body's organs.
Milk produced under modern factory farming conditions is a long way from the milk that used to
be available. Cows do not necessarily graze on grass. They may be kept indoors and fed on
concentrates. This has several consequences for their milk. Milk from grass fed cattle is typically
high in vitamin D. But milk from cattle reared indoors is not.
Vitamin D is essential if we are to utilize calcium in bone growth and repair. We may be drinking
milk in the belief that it helps us avoid osteoporosis when in fact it does not. Milk is not a reliable
source of either vitamin D or calcium.
Milk can also contain high levels of hormones such as IGF-I. This substance has been linked to
a number of cancers.
It is possible to avoid milk and still obtain sufficient nutrients from a variety of other sources.
Leafy green vegetables and whole grains are a good source of calcium. Vegetables such as
carrots are a good source of vitamin D. Soya products contain no animal fat and are often
fortified with both vitamin D and calcium.
The Importance Of Eating A Healthful Vegetarian Diet
So often when people say they are vegetarian they mean that they do not eat meat. But being a
vegetarian is about more than just not eating meat. It is possible to be a vegetarian in the sense
of not eating meat and eat a very unhealthy diet indeed.
A vegetarian diet may by high in cholesterol if it relies too much on cheese and eggs. It may be
low in fibre if it is based on refined grain products like white bread, white pasta and white rice. If
it lacks fresh vegetables you diet will be deficient in vitamins and minerals. You may vegetarian
but you may not be eating a healthful vegetarian diet.
Going vegetarian is about more than just not eating meat. It means taking a positive decision to
eat a wide range of foods that provide a balanced mixture of nutrients.
It is important to plan the change to a vegetarian diet. This may mean buying some new
equipment for your kitchen. If you are used to eating convenience foods you may need to buy
some basic items.
The next step is to plan your meals. Not all vegetarian meals rely on cheese, eggs and milk for
protein. These are useful ingredients in a vegetarian diet but not by any means essential. It is
perfectly possible to get enough protein by combining grains with pulse such as peas, beans
and lentils. A bowl of lentil soup with a slice of bread provides all the essential amino you need.
Chili beans and rice combine in the same way to create what is called a complete protein.
A diet based on pulses and whole grains has the immense of advantage of providing you with
enough fibre. This is important to maintain colon health. Cancer of the colon is most common
among people who eat a diet based on over-refined processed foods. Fibre is one of the key
ingredients in a healthful vegetarian diet.
Switching to a high fibre diet takes a little time. Your body needs to adjust. So take things slowly at first.
A healthful vegetarian diet based on whole grains, pulses, nuts, fruits, and vegetables will also
be good for your heart as it is low in fat. The fats you use in vegetarian cooking should be
vegetable fats and oils such as olive oil, coconut oil or groundnut oil. There is no reason to
exclude butter from a vegetarian diet especially if most of the fat you are consuming is of
vegetable origin.
One of the great things about a healthful vegetarian diet is that it helps to maintain you weight at
the right level. You will still pile on the pounds if you binge on ice cream but a really healthful
vegetarian diet leaves you feeling satisfied so that you are less likely to overindulge in sweet things.
Don't Be A Lazy Vegetarian
Vegetarianism has become big business. The shelves of our supermarkets are full of products
aimed at the vegetarian. They all look so convenient and we all need to save time. We are
inevitably tempted to be a bit lazy sometimes and cut corners.
But vegetarians need to be aware what is in those handy little packages or they could be putting
their health at risk. So don't be a lazy vegetarian in the supermarket: read those labels.
You need to check how much sugar is in the product, how much fat and whether refined
carbohydrates have been used. A little bit of refined flour, the occasional sweet or fatty treat are
not in themselves bad for a vegetarian. But these substances become a problem when they
make up a large part of the vegetarian diet.
Even a vegetarian can get fat if they eat enough fat, sugar and refined carbohydrate. As a
vegetarian, you should train your palate and that of your children to expect less of these foods
and the instant sugar rush that goes with them.
Many of the fats used in commercial vegetarian foods are what is called transfatty acids. These
are associated with an elevated risk of cancer. So even if the fats used in a vegetarian product
are derived from vegetable sources they may have been modified so much in the manufacturing
process that they are no longer healthy.
Of course, vegetarians lead busy lives and there are times when we need a quick snack or a
meal in hurry. In these situations opt for healthy alternative. A bowl of whole meal cereal will fill
that hungry gap before the evening meal when you come home. Keep a good range of fresh
fruits on hand. This is natural grab and go vegetarian food.
Vegetarian food does not always take a long time to cook and prepare. Red split lentils take 10
minutes to cook and can become the basis of all kinds of curries, soups, stews and burgers.
If you keep some cooked pulse on hand in the fridge you can rustle up a vegetarian meal very
quickly. Or cook twice as much as you need when you have the time and freeze it for later. A
little planning allows a vegetarian to be lazy in a healthy way.
May be when you feel that vegetarian cooking it just too slow you should ask yourself "What's
the hurry?" Vegetarian food should not be a quick refueling stop. Set out a platter of vegetable
sticks and olives with a hummous dip. Cut up a loaf of whole meal bread. Take time to discuss
the events of the day. By the time you have done that your main vegetarian meal of the evening will be ready.
Alternative Sources Of Protein For The Vegetarian
In a conventional diet protein is obtained from meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products such as
cheese. These all contain complete proteins that contain all the essential amino acids that are
needed for the human body. A vegetarian diet must derive protein from other sources.
Protein is found in many vegetable sources. Some of these vegetable proteins are complete in
that they contain all the essential amino acids just like animal protein. Others are incomplete
and must be combined together to produce a complete protein that the body can use.
Most plant foods contain some protein. A vegetarian who eats a wide variety of foods will
consume sufficient protein in the course of day.
Nuts and seeds are an under appreciated source of protein. They can be added to a wide range
of sweet and savory vegetarian dishes.
Soya beans are source of complete protein and for that reason soya products are an important
part of a vegetarian diet. Commercially manufactured soya based meat substitutes are now
widely available in supermarkets. They come in variety of forms and are often made into pies,
burgers, sausages and other ready prepared products that offer the busy vegetarian a
convenience food.
Soya milk can be found in most chiller cabinets next to the cows' milk. You will also find soya
yoghurts and soya cheeses. A more traditional soya product is tofu which has long been used in
Chinese cooking.
Another meat substitute is mycoprotein which is made from a variety of fungus. Like soya
protein it is sold in various forms that can be used in a range of recipes. You will also find it in
ready made products often sold under the brand name "Quorn."
Beans, peas and lentils, known collectively as pulse, make up one of the major sources of
protein for a vegetarian. They are incomplete proteins and must be combined with other incomplete proteins, such as grains, or complete proteins, such as eggs or milk, to make a
complete protein food. Usually this is done in one dish such as beans and rice or beans on
toast, but this is not always necessary as the body can store protein and combine it later.
Three Health Advantages Of A Vegetarian Diet
A vegetarian diet offers a number of health advantages when compared to the typical diet that is
eaten by the majority of people in the rich industrial countries. The healthy character of a
vegetarian diet derives from the fact that it is rich in fruit and vegetables, contains large amounts
of fibre and is low in animal fat.
In recent years the problems of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, the degenerative diseases of
old age and cancers have been on the increase. Provided it is well planned, a vegetarian diet
addresses all the modern health problems.
It is possible to become obese on a vegetarian diet, but an overweight vegetarian is a rarity. A
vegetarian diet is likely to include many slow release carbohydrates, such as brown rice, whole
meal bread and root vegetables, that raise the body's blood sugar level slowly. This has major
implications for both obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Much of the fat in a vegetarian diet is derived from nuts and seeds which contain essential fatty
acids known as omega 3, 6 and 9. These essential fatty acids do not raise cholesterol levels
and so benefit the heart. They play a vital role in the brain and help to maintain the suppleness
of joints, as well as ensuring good skin and hair.
Soya products make up an important component of a vegetarian diet. Studies show that soya
actively reduced the body's cholesterol levels and so contributes to heart health.
One of the key health advantages of a vegetarian diet is its high fibre content. Fruit, vegetables
and whole grains all contain fibre. Fibre is essential to maintain the health of the colon and
bowels. Studies have shown that a high fibre diet is linked to a low incidence of pre-cancerous
growths in the colon.
The fruit and vegetables that a vegetarian consumes contain important anti-oxidants which
combat the free radicals that can cause cancer.
The Top Five Nutrients Vegetarians Lack
When you are beginning the process of converting to a vegetarian diet it is important to plan
carefully. You need to make yourself familiar with the nutrient value of your food and how foods
interact with one another.
A vegetarian diet can be lacking in five essential nutrients unless it is planned. These are
protein, iron. calcium, zinc and vitamin B-12. In a meat based diet these are easily obtained
from animal products. If dairy produce and eggs are included in a vegetarian diet these
essential nutrients should not be in short supply.
If you have decided to eat a vegetarian diet, whether for reasons of health or because of ethical
considerations, you need to consider where you will obtain these nutrients. It is perfectly
possible for a vegetarian to derive these nutrients from vegetable sources with a little thought.
A vegetarian can obtain protein from beans, peas, lentils and other pulses. These vegetarian
staples need to be mixed with grains such as rice, barley or wheat, which also contain protein,
because only together do they make what is called a complete protein. A complete protein
contains all the essential amino acid that are found in meat and other animal products.
Soya beans are unique among beans in containing all the essential amino acids without the
addition of grains. Soya products make up an important part of a vegetarian diet for that reason.
Soya milk, soya yoghurt, soya cheeses, tofu and soya meat substitutes make up an important
part of a healthy vegetarian diet.
A vegetarian diet need not be lacking in protein if it contains a variety of pulse, grains, nuts and
seeds. Sprinkling a few sesame seeds on a meal will increase its protein content.
It is not even necessary to include different incomplete vegetable proteins in the same meal to
create a balanced protein. The body is capable of storing amino acids and combining them
Many of the commercially available soya products have calcium, zinc and vitamin B-12 added in
the manufacturing process. But a vegetarian should also ensure that these nutrients are present
in the rest of their diet.
Soya beans are also a good source of iron as are seeds such as pumpkin seeds. Quinoa, a
seed that cooks like rice and can be used as the starch component of a meal contains iron.
Zinc is vital for growth and cell division. It is essential for reproductive health. for liver function
and insulin activity. It is present in dairy foods as well as beans, lentils nuts and seeds. Chick
peas are a good source of zinc, as is tahini paste. A hummous dip is more than a tasty snack it
is valuable source of a nutrients in a vegetarian diet.
Calcium need not be a major problem in a vegetarian diet. If a vegetarian diet includes dairy
produce it will provide enough calcium. Even for vegans it is possible to obtain calcium from
plant sources. Whole meal bread is a fairly good source of calcium as are dried apricots. Baked
beans and broccoli are both good sources of calcium.
Where vitamin B-12 is concerned it is only necessary to resort to supplements if eggs and milk are excluded from a vegetarian diet.
Ideas For Adding Some Variety To Your Vegetarian Lifestyle
Variety is not only good for vegetarians because the same old food can become boring but it is
also necessary. Making sure that your vegetarian diet is varied is the best way to ensure that
your get enough of the right nutrients.
You should never stick to one or two recipes and never be tempted to confine yourself to a few
commercial products because they seem easy to prepare. If you do that you simply will not get
a balanced diet and you will become bored. That is why so many vegetarians give up after a
short time.
When you visit the supermarket spend time in the fresh produce section. If your usual store
does not carry fresh produce go to another one or find a local supplier. Fresh fruit and
vegetables are the main stay of a healthy and varied vegetarian diet.
Get to know what is in season and how to prepare it. A vegetarian should learn what fresh fruit
and vegetables look like, feel like and smell like. Vegetarians who can shop in farmers' markets
have an advantage. But many supermarkets are improving the range of fruit and vegetables
they stock.
If you choose a variety of colors of fruit and vegetables you will automatically have a range of
nutrients. Vegetarian meals should not be colorless.
The look of food is often underestimated by vegetarians. But we eat with our eyes. The sight of
a plate of beautiful food sets out mouth salivating as much as the smell of new baked bread.
Speaking of new baked bread, vegetarians should learn to bake bread. A sourdough rye loaf
fresh from the oven or a crusty whole meal with poppy seeds can make a simple vegetarian
meal into a gourmet feast. A simple vegetarian sold or a bowl of lentil can become a complete meal with good bread.
If eating butter is a problem because you are watching your cholesterol levels then dip your
bread in olive oil. When you try this with quality home made bread you will see how delicious it
is. Vegetarians have respect for vegetables so find the best olive you can. It will be worth it. The
varied taste of olive oil from different countries or even different estates will in itself add variety
to you vegetarian diet.
Beans, lentils and grains are the staples of vegetarian diet. But they can become boring. Never
be afraid to try new types or pulse and grain. if you have never eaten quinoa then you should. It
is quick to cook and makes a change from rice. Try using barley instead of rice. Even the
vegetarian staples need not be dull.
Making A Vegan Cake
Making a cake for a vegan sounds like a daunting task and possibly not be very rewarding one.
No eggs, no butter, and no milk - how can that be a cake. But the secret is to stop thinking of it
as a series of prohibitions and think of it as an opportunity to be creative.
Your vegan cake may be the best one you have ever made if you think outside the box. You are
not making a substitute for a traditional cake. You are making a vegan cake. This is a cake in its
own right.
A vegan cake might be a stack of pancakes made with buckwheat flour and layered with
cashew cream and fresh strawberries. Cashew cream is made by grinding cashew nuts with a
small quantity of water in a food processor.
Many fruit cakes do not require eggs because they are not intended to rise very high like a
sponge cake. When decorated with icing they will be indistinguishable from any other fruit cake.
Obviously you must use vegetable margarine.
A brownie type cake can be made without egg using only baking powder to make it rise. It will
not have the height of a traditional sponge cake. But once it is cool you can assemble it into a
taller and more impressive creation.
A cake of this kind can be made with good quality vegetable oil rather than margarine. This has
definite health benefits.
For preference use whole meal flour in your vegan cake. You can also cut down on sugar or
eliminate it altogether by using applesauce or grated carrot to sweeten it. This will make your
vegan cake a much healthier option.
Sometimes you will have just have to make a birthday cake. In this case you will have to resort
to an egg substitute. There is no other way to get the effect of a sponge that rises and stays
risen when baked. The protein in the egg sets in the process of baking. Your local health food store will be able to provide you with a product known as Ener-G Egg Replacer. This will do the
job and allow you to produce a vegan cake that is indistinguishable from a the "real thing."
Why Vegans Don't Consume Dairy Products
Becoming a vegan means giving up milk and dairy products such as butter and cheese. This a
major change for people who are used to a European diet that historically has always used dairy
But in many cultures dairy produce is eaten at all or only rarely. A vegan diet is common in
some non-Western societies. It is therefore entirely possible to eat a balanced vegan diet that
does not include dairy produce.
The emphasis on dairy produce in the Western diet has produced an enormous industry to
stock our supermarket shelves. The nature of this industry is perhaps one of the best reasons
for becoming a vegan and cutting milk and dairy produce out of your diet.
What was once a treat for high days and holidays has become a daily staple. There are
powerful commercial interests involved in encouraging us to eat more dairy produce. That
change in our diet has had serious effects on health. The same changes can be seen in other
cultures that are in the process of changing to a Western diet.
The demand for milk has created an intensive dairy industry in which cows are treated as units
of production not living creatures. Dairy cows are selectively bred for the highest milk yield.
They are impregnated every year so that they continue to produce milk.
Cows in intensive dairy units are treated with antibiotics and hormones. Some of them never set
foot on grass. The old image of the placid dairy cow in a green field is a thing of the past.
Calves are no more than a by-product of the process of producing milk. They are taken from
their mothers within weeks of their birth. Male calves are disposed of as uneconomic or are sent
for veal production.
More humane farming systems are used on some farms. Vegetarians who wish to consume
dairy produce should seek out milk produced on farms with high welfare standards. But even if you can source good quality dairy produce from farms with high welfare standards
you may wish to eliminate dairy produce from your diet and become a vegan. A vegan diet is a
realistic option and for many people a vegan diet is an ethical option.
Why Vegans Don't Eat Eggs
Vegans are vegetarians who do not eat eggs or any other animal product. This is the strictest
form of vegetarianism.
Many people feel that this is too extreme and too restrictive. They prefer a form of vegetarianism
that includes eggs and other animal products that do not involve the death or harm of living
Vegetarians cooking for children are often advised to include some eggs in their diet. Pregnant
women who are vegetarians often do the same. The advantage of eggs is that they are highly
nutritious. They contain the same nutrients as meat because they are the food supply for the
embryonic chick.
But modern farming techniques are convincing an increasing number of people that it is
unethical to eat eggs. The battery farms in which most of the eggs available on supermarket
shelves are produced cause harm and suffering to millions of hens. They are kept in confined
conditions without space to move and engage in natural behavior. As a result they peck one
another and have to be de-beaked. Their legs are malformed and they lose their feathers.
Some of us opt for free range eggs but there is no agreed definition of what free range means.
Without visiting the farm it is very hard to know how the hens that produced the eggs have been
treated. Even in a free range setting the chicks have been selected to ensure that they are
female. A huge number of male chicks are discarded in this process and go into industrially
prepared foods.
You might decide to raise your own hens. Backyard poultry keeping is becoming increasingly
popular. But even here there are ethical decisions to be made. Hens that are no longer laying
eggs traditionally go into the pot. That is fine if you are a carnivore but not if you are a
There are also strong health reasons for not eating eggs. Eggs are a source of saturated fat.
They can raise you cholesterol level. So if you are worried about your heart health and have been told to reduce you cholesterol level it may be worth thinking about a vegan diet. It is
possible for an adult to eat a balanced diet that does not include eggs.
You Are What You Eat
You’ve certainly heard the expression many times, “You are what you eat.” Have you ever really
thought about what it means? And do you think about it when you’re making food choices?
In some ways, we do become what we eat, literally. Have you ever seen an example of your
blood plasma after eating a fast food hamburger? What was previously a clear liquid becomes
cloudy with the fat and cholesterol that’s absorbed from eating a high-fat hamburger.
And when you think about it, we also become what we don’t eat. When we switch from eating
meat to a vegetarian-based diet, we become less fat, less prone to many types of cancers. Our
cholesterol can improve. When we’re leaner and eating fewer animal products, then many other
health and fitness issues are reduced. The incidence of Type II diabetes is reduced. Blood
pressure falls into normal ranges. When you’re healthier, you’re taking fewer medications. Even
if you have a prescription drug benefit in your health plan, you’re still saving money with fewer
co-payments on medications.
If you have a family history of high cholesterol or high blood pressure, then it’s particularly
incumbent on you to revise your eating habits. Moving towards a more vegetarian diet has been
shown statistically to reduce the incidence of so many of the diseases of industrialized
countries. Vegetarians are statistically healthier than omnivorous persons; they’re leaner and
live longer.
Isn’t it time to think about what you want to be and to eat accordingly? Do you want to be
sluggish and fat? Do you want the risk that goes with eating animal products, with their high fat
content? Or do you want to look like and be what vegetarians are? Leaner and fitter with a
longer anticipated lifespan. It’s never too late to change what you’re doing and increase your
chances for a longer, fitter life.
The consumption of turkeys in the U.S. has escalated through the years. It’s no longer eaten
primarily at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but throughout the year. The process of massproducing
turkeys for human consumption is as barbaric, if not more so, than the process of
mass-producing chickens.
Turkeys are kept in cramped, dark spaces to discourage the naturally aggressive behaviors that
occur when an animal is kept confined without space to roam and feed freely. They’re overfed to
the point where their legs can’t support the weight of the breast tissue. And this animal which
normally has a 10-years life span is generally slaughtered at about 2 years of age.
Unhealthy and overcrowded conditions mean that disease amongst commercial turkeys is
widespread, resulting in approximately 2.7 million turkeys dying in their sheds every year. Foot
and leg deformities, heat stress and starvation caused by the inability of immature birds to find
the feed and water troughs are commonplace. Ulcerated feet and hock burns are common -
caused by continual contact with litter contaminated by urine and feces.
Can you really sit at dinner on your next holiday and look at a roasted turkey the same way?
Turkeys come with the same recommendations for cleanliness and cooking that chickens do.
You have to be sure they’re cooked to a specific temperature to ensure that any diseasecausing
bacteria are completely killed. You should clean up any counter space with bleach,
again to kill all bacteria.
It makes a compelling case for switching to a vegetarian diet, doesn’t it? Suddenly, the jokes
about vegetarian dinners, with nut loaves and vegetables, instead of meat, seem to make more
sense, not only from a health standpoint, but from a humane issue as well. Why do we persist in
eating in such a way that makes us unhealthy and is inherently bad for us? For you next holiday
dinner, consider the possibilities of an all-vegetarian menu. So much of the dinner is vegetablebased
to begin with; it’s a small change to replace turkey with a plant-based main course as
Pig Farming
Many people reject eating pork and other meats derived from pigs for religious reasons or
health reasons. When people start eating a more vegetarian diet, red meat is usually the first
thing they eliminate from their diets. When they do, various health indicators generally start to
improve, such as their cholesterol levels and blood pressure readings. Health is one of the most
compelling reasons to eat vegetarian, but the inhumane treatment of the animals massproduced
for human consumption is another reason many people are rejecting a carnivorous
Pig farming follows the same processes that chicken farming and other animal farming employ.
The pigs are kept in small crates with limited movement. They’re overfed so they can be
slaughtered more quickly. Their living conditions can be dirty and they’re fed growth hormones
to stimulate weight gain and antibiotics to ward off diseases that are the results of their living
They’re forced to live in unnatural conditions and they exhibit signs of chronic stress that other
animals produced for human food do. They chew on the bars of their cages or worry with their
water bottles excessively. Their limited range of movement prevents the rooting behavior that’s
natural for a pig.
The pigs pay an extremely high price to feed us. And we pay a high price for eating pork and
other red meat. We’re basically not made to eat meat. Our teeth weren’t developed to rip and
tear meat. We evolved from herbivores and it’s still the better way for us to eat. When we
eliminate red meat and other meats and animal products from our diet, we get healthier – more
lean and fit, less tired and sluggish. And there’s the added psychological benefit of knowing that
we’re not contributing to the suffering of innocent animals.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Natural Remedies
Alternative medicine has become more popular recently with people who are looking to play a more active role in maintaining good health. Gone are the days where an apple a day was the only way to stay healthy. Those who have started to enjoy the benefits of holistic medical care will tell you that there is much to be said for preventative care that keeps the mind, body and spirit in excellent condition.
This report will guide you to what you can do and use to create a more healthier lifestyle for yourself through holistic and alternative medicine.
Chapter 1 : Pain Relief
If you are plagued by continuous pain and conventional pain medicines are not working to help eliminate it, consider trigger point massage for pain relief. It will help to not only ease the pain but to eliminate its source as well.
Improve Your Posture
It is important to keep your spine as straight as possible, so that your muscles do not strain and contract unnecessarily. This also keeps energy circulating throughout your body.
The Alexander method is a way to retrain the body to remain correctly postured in order to prevent and eliminate the possibility of problems such as muscle strains, nerve damage, stiff necks and many more. The purpose of this technique is to eliminate unnecessary tension within the body and to teach the body to position itself correctly.
Acupuncture is a type of holistic/alternative medicine that has been commonly practiced in the eastern part of the world for thousands of years. Five thousand years ago, the intention of acupuncture was to prolong life. With many alternative medical techniques, the intention is to prevent rather than to cure a specific or general ailment. Basically, acupuncture is used to stimulate the nerves in the body and to promote healing from within and, as a result, this positively affects all of the other bodily systems. If you are currently experiencing chronic pain, consider consulting a therapist to see if your pain might be reduced with treatments.
Asthma sufferers can find great relief from chronic symptoms through this therapy, as have arthritis sufferers and others dealing with chronic illness. Every therapist will have a different approach, and you might do well to try several therapists to see whose technique works best for you.
Reiki Healing
Reiki is a healing art that uses the body’s energy to begin and further the healing process. It is performed by using one’s hands to follow a specific pattern of massage, in order to stimulate energy movement throughout the body. There are many Reiki healers who are specially trained to perform the healing massage, or you can read about it or take a class to become a proficient Reiki healer yourself.
Biofeedback Therapy
If you are experiencing health problems and cannot seem to find the source, a biofeedback therapist will monitor your body and how it reacts to daily activities in order to find out where it is not performing optimally. In this treatment, you would wear a monitor that actually records how your body is reacting while it is turned on. If you are an athlete suffering from muscle problems, you might want to consider this treatment to determine whether you are properly resting your muscles between activities.
Reflexology is a technique of applying pressure to and stretching the hands and feet in order to send nerve messages to other parts of the body. Through the careful application of reflexology, practitioners can affect the health of various organs and parts of the body. There are many resources available if you would like to learn more about the practice of reflexology.
Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic therapy is becoming a very popular method for treating chronic pain and the conditions that cause it. Magnets are shown to increase blood flow through the body by as much as a third and this increased circulation is a great way to alleviate pain. Studies have shown that applying magnets to an injury will help to increase the healing rate. This is because the magnets correct the polarity of the body cells and increase the overall health of the area where they are applied. Healing will be faster and pain will be less when you apply magnets.
Chiropractic Medicine
If you are currently experiencing back pain, chances are that the damage has already been done. Chiropractors are specially trained to manipulate the body in a way that frees nerves and muscles to function correctly, thereby reducing pain in the body immediately. It is important to work with a Doctor of Chiropractic, who has attended college and Chiropractic College.
Even if you are experiencing an illness or injury somewhere other than in your back, there is a chance that a Chiropractor will be able to alleviate some of your symptoms. In
general, holistic chiropractors believe that most illnesses are a result of nerve impingement's somewhere in the body. By carefully manipulating the spine, these nerves can be released and symptoms or even the illness itself will fade. Consider scheduling a consultation with a chiropractor today. The visit will generally include an examination, discussion of your symptoms and possibly an adjustment to see if you experience immediate relief.
Chapter 2 : Meditation
The basic definition of meditation is to concentrate on some object or thought in order to quiet the mind. There are many different types and styles of meditation; however the one thing that is consistent is that not every technique will work for every person. Every one can benefit from some type of meditation. Take some time to read about different techniques or talk to a holistic healer for more information about what might work for you.
Buddhist Meditation
Buddhist meditation deals primarily with the quest for knowledge, and is one of the more popular styles of meditation used in the world today. The premise is that by meditating you are spending some quiet time to improve the state of your mind. Getting started is as simple as finding a quiet space to relax, taking some deep breaths and letting thoughts enter and pass through your mind without concentrating on any specific thought.
Mindful Breathing
The process of mindful breathing is a form of meditation; however it is also a great way to get more oxygen into your blood and tissues. If you start right now and pay attention to how you are breathing, it is more than likely that you will find yourself breathing quite shallowly. This is not a healthy breathing pattern. You can start out by just inhaling completely and then slowly exhaling completely. If you take one minute to just do this focused breathing each day, you will find that you feel better during that minute and you will catch yourself paying attention to your breathing several times throughout the day. If you are stressed or tired, take a minute out of your day to breathe mindfully.
Stop the Music
Just as you would probably accomplish more during a study session without music, the same holds true for meditation. While some people will play music while they meditate, there is a question about whether music serves simply as a distraction. Try turning off the music for a week, and see for yourself if you are able to accomplish more with a quiet atmosphere.
Chapter 3 : Body Cleansing
There are many different products on the market today that can help you to eliminate toxins from the body and increase body efficiency and overall health. A complete cleanse will remove toxins and other harmful matter from your kidneys, liver and intestines. Generally how they work is that you follow a strict dietary regimen for a few weeks while the cleansing process occurs. Most people who try this agree that it makes them feel healthier and they often report a fair amount of weight loss too after the process is complete.
Peroxide Baths
Hydrogen peroxide is known for being a highly effective astringent that removes toxins or dirt from scrapes and cuts. It can do the same thing for the rest of the body as well. Simply add a quart of peroxide to your hot bath and soak for a few minutes to check for tolerance. If you don’t have any irritation that does not stop quickly, add a second quart and soak for about ten minutes. The peroxide will pull toxins from your skin and help you to flush toxins better afterwards.
Clay in its naturally occurring form is fantastic for treating many different health ailments that might go otherwise untreated. Liquid clay is available and can be taken several times a day to help with problems with the liver, headaches, arthritis and skin disorders. Clay masks are fantastic for the skin, and when used after a good exfoliation they can remove impurities and toxins.
Natural Caffeine Detox
If you have been promising to give up coffee or to cut down, you might need to actually remove the effects of caffeine from your system with a detoxification process that includes chamomile. This extract helps to calm you while washing caffeine from your system. You can use chamomile tea or a specially developed compound designed to detoxify the body.
Body Detoxification Program
The environment, stress and even the foods that we eat can affect every cell in the human body negatively. Sometimes, the body just needs a break so that it can effectively remove harmful chemicals and byproducts that reduce the body’s ability to fight disease and to function at its peak. A whole body cleanse will give you the ability to remove toxins from your intestine, organs and even your skin. Consider working with a holistic physician to see if a detoxification program could help you.
Chapter 4 : Stress and Depression
No human being is equipped to function in constant stress mode. It is unhealthy to have a life filled with all work and no play. Some of the most common health problems that result when a person doesn’t relax enough include high blood pressure, stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders. Be sure to take some time out for yourself at least once a week, preferably once a day. This can help to prevent, and in some cases eliminate, these chronic health problems.
Avoid Television
Believe it or not, television actually induces negative feelings in most viewers as a result of the commonplace violence and gossip. Television viewing is not nearly as relaxing as some people claim. Try giving up your television shows for a week, replacing them with other activities. You will most likely find that you are better rested, happier and less stressed at the end of that week.
If you are suffering from depression, practicing yoga may help you to overcome the symptoms and get to the root of what is causing the problem in the first place. Through the practice of yoga, you are attempting to connect to your spirit and to reconnect your mind and body. With practice, you may begin to see the symptoms of depression begin to lessen almost immediately.
Bioenergetic Therapy
Bioenergetics is an alternative therapy that includes a combination of different techniques used together to help your body fight off illnesses, depression and other conditions. Practitioners observe the patient and form a treatment plan that works to correct things, such as breathing patterns and stress levels, in order to begin identifying and alleviating problems that the patient is experiencing. This therapy combines biofeedback with talk and touch therapy, acupuncture and nutritional counseling in a specific way determined by each individual patient.
Chapter 5 : Sleeping
In today’s busy world, there is a tendency to turn the bedroom into a home office and multipurpose room. This is not recommended, as the bedroom should be instilling a sense of relaxation and restfulness. Do your best to avoid stress and exertion within an hour of your bedtime. Consider having a cup of chamomile tea before bed or using lavender infused oil in order to help induce a sense of relaxation. Try to get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, to maintain healthy sleep habits.
Improve Your Sleeping Habits
One of the best things that everyone can do to improve their well-being is to moderate their sleeping patterns. Unfortunately, poor sleep is a habit learned by nearly everyone during the teenage years. It is critical to allow your body the time it needs to wind down and relax so that you can be rejuvenated. If you feel tired during the day, when you awaken in the morning or exhausted before bedtime it is a sign that you are not getting the right amount of sleep. This could be too much, or too little. Try setting aside eight hours for sleep each night, getting into bed no less than half an hour prior to the time that you want to be asleep. If you do this for a few weeks, you will find positive improvements in your overall health and productivity.
Paying Attention to Your Dreams
Dreams can tell you a lot of information that you might not otherwise realize. Therapists believe that through our dreams, we become aware of personal struggles, fears and internal conflicts. Consider keeping a dream journal, where you record at least the major themes of what you are dreaming. Do this as soon as you can after waking, so that you make sure to get the essence of your dreams. Pay attention to patterns, serial dreams and symbols that seem to reappear often. Find out what these things represent to you by meditating on the symbol or theme, or look them up in a dream dictionary for the generally accepted explanation. While this may not represent the meaning for you, it will give you a place to start.
How to Remember Your Dreams
If you are experiencing personal conflicts, feeling stressed or would just like to gain a new level of access to your inner thoughts, consider learning to control your dreams to make them work for you. By concentrating on your hands several times throughout the day, asking yourself if you are dreaming, you will start to remember to look at your hands while dreaming. If you can control your hands in your dreams, you will already be able to change the course of your dreams and to play an interactive part. This can include bringing specific people into your dreams, or even asking specific people to leave them. Try this technique, and you will be amazed the first time that you are dreaming, and realize that you are actually able to do more than just watch what is happening.
Chapter 6 : Color Therapy
Try changing the colors in your wardrobe to better suit your emotional needs during any particular time in your life. For example, if you feel that you are in need of a personal change, or that you need to build your self-esteem, consider wearing purple more, as this color is known for its connection with self-healing. If you are stressed, try wearing light blue. Green is a great color to add when you feel like you have recently made a personal accomplishment, since it is a color known for renewing effects.
Pay Attention to Color
Although you may have stopped paying attention to color as a young child, there is definitely some benefit to examining what colors you tend to use, enjoy and prefer. Color is directly associated with body energy and emotions. Sometimes, you may feel out of balance and not realize that it is the colors surrounding you that are impacting your mind-body balance. For example, if you tend to wear a lot of red or to surround yourself with red, you may be over-stimulating your emotions. However, if you frequently feel tired or listless you might want to add more red to your wardrobe
Chapter 7 : General Wellbeing Tips
Go to the Dentist
If you have fillings that could possibly contain Mercury, it is a good idea to have those fillings replaced by your dentist. If you are feeling poorly and cannot explain why, this may be the culprit. Mercury poisoning is slow and often masks itself with symptoms of other health problems. Your dentist can tell you whether you should consider having any of your fillings replaced.
Consider a Liver Flush
Gallstones form in the bile ducts and the gallbladder, and may be to blame for medical problems that go otherwise unexplained. By performing a liver flush you are helping your body to eliminate the built up toxins and gallstones. If you are interested in instructions for a liver flush, you can find them at any reputable holistic healer and even online. If you have any health problems, or suspect that you might, you should speak with your doctor prior to performing the process.
Chapter 8 : Body and Mind
Positive energy is contagious. If you do something nice for someone today, chances are that before the end of the day that person will do something nice for someone else. Holding the door for someone costs you nothing more than a few seconds out of your day and, if that person is having a bad day, it might just be the little pick up needed to put them in a better mood. Little things mean a lot, and if you are doing nice things for people, you will begin to feel better about yourself.
Be Gracious
Gratitude is extremely powerful, and remembering to say thank you for even the littlest things can be a powerful positive change. Expressing gratitude is much more pleasant than expressing frustration, and it will eventually begin to replace the negative habit of complaining that we all get into sometimes.
Transpersonal Therapy
If you have found that standard therapy is not working out for you, this is an approach that helps many people to feel more comfortable. In this type of psychotherapy, the therapist and the patient focus on making a significant connection with one another in order to remove anyone from a superior position. Many patients have found that when they feel a connection with their therapist, they feel that they can be more open-minded and receptive.
Ayurvedic Medicine
Indian medicine focuses treatment for patients upon their constitution – based upon the elements of water, fire, earth, space and air. According to this centuries old practice, it is believed that diet, activities and healthcare can be specifically targeted to the individual. There are a number of factors that help determine your constitutional type according to Ayurveda typing. You can work with a practicing Ayurveda doctor, or you can find information about type determination online.
Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic medicine practitioners believe that a symptom is little more than the body’s defense against stress. Therefore, they take the approach that finding a substance that behaves in the same way that the body does, that substance can be used to fight off the ailment or infection. Take a walk through a health food or nutritional supplement store and you are bound to see a homeopathic remedy for many common health problems.
Playing an Active Role
If you have decided to see a holistic practitioner, one of the things that you need to realize when you get started is that this is not the passive medicine that you may have experienced in the past. The practitioners are there to guide you as the patient, however you will need to make a significant effort and work with your practitioner to determine the best treatments for you and to increase the effectiveness of them. Many patients find that taking an active role in treatment makes the effects more immediate and tangible.
Avoid Clutter
Clutter is an energy buster. If your bedroom is cluttered, the energy will not flow as freely as it should and your sleep will be affected in a negative way. Not only that, but clutter is frustrating, because it often keeps you from finding something that you need in a few seconds. Take the time to eliminate clutter, but start small with one area at a time otherwise you risk overwhelming yourself with a lot of work.
Be Mindful
If you feel bored, or feel as though you are stretching every minute to its fullest extent in order to get things done, you are probably a good candidate for the practice of mindfulness. Through mindfulness, you are going to get to the root of what is causing you to feel stressed or bored. Often there is something deeper that is causing you anxiety and through this technique you are likely to discover what that something is. The premise is to let go of pain and to allow thoughts to flow freely. By trying to suppress feelings and control thoughts, you are actually doing your body more harm than good.
Transpersonal Art Therapy
Through this practice, you will create artwork and accomplish personal transformations as your work progresses. Don’t worry, no previous experience or talent is required and this type of counseling can be very effective even for young children.
Perform an Act of Love
Many holistic healers claim that there is no more powerful medicine than love and that simply giving or receiving affection such as a hug can raise the spirits and begin to heal the body. If you are suffering from grief of some sort, love may be all that you need to start healing.
Nourish Your Soul
Just like the mind and body, the soul also needs nourishment to continue to grow and develop. Your soul is what provides you with energy and vitality. Every one has different soul food, however most find that their soul is nourished by a walk outdoors or spending time with friends and family.
If you take the time to listen to your inner voice, your soul will tell you what it needs. It is important to take the time to listen otherwise you can lose your soul and not be able to find out what it is that you are missing. Just a few moments of quiet each day and you are bound to learn something that can change your life.
Sound Therapy
Sound therapy is becoming commonplace in homes with newborn infants and older adults. There are many benefits of sound therapy including calming and increasing the patients overall well being. Find some soft music that you enjoy and try playing it at the lowest possible volume in a quiet room. You will find that before too long, if you are quiet and relaxed, that you hear the music as though it were at full volume.
Holistic Athletic Training
If you are an athlete, you might benefit from the experience of working with a holistic trainer who focuses not only on injury recovery, but also on performance analysis, counseling and injury prevention. Through the holistic approach, your mental and physical needs will be addressed and you can improve your performance significantly as a result.
Kinesiology is a holistic approach to traditional biofeedback therapy, where the body is studied in order to determine the source of potential and current problems. Through monitoring of your body, your Kinesiologist will determine a course of alternative treatments that will help you to perform to the best of your capabilities.
Osteopathy is commonly regarded as an excellent way to strengthen the body after an injury, however it is also known as an excellent treatment option for those with headaches, digestive disorders and several other health problems. The intent of an osteotherapist is to correct problems with the skeleton in order to alleviate or prevent illness and injury.
Prevention is Better than Cure
For example, if you are suffering from indigestion it makes more sense to eliminate the foods that are causing the problem than it does to take medication after the pain starts. Holistic healers are looking to heal the whole body, and therefore it is believed that first you stop doing the things that are harming you and then you replace those things with nutrients that are better for you. This can apply to the body, the mind or the soul.
Chapter 9 : Hypnotherapy
There are many different schools of hypnotherapy that all center around the idea of using altered states of consciousness to help you find and resolve issues within yourself. The primary goal of hypnosis is a short-term therapeutic process that can help the patient to find a deep issue that they have been unable to realize in their conscious mind, so that they can begin to find a solution to the problems that they are facing.
Lose Weight or Stop Smoking
There are many programs available that offer assistance to people who want to lose weight or stop smoking but who have been unable to remove psychological obstacles that are standing in their way. Generally, in only a few sessions, the patient will become receptive to the hypnosis and will begin to see results quickly. It is important to find a reputable program and hypnotherapist who can demonstrate proven results from their techniques.
Chapter 10 : Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a simple way to change your daily life. Through the use of essential oils, it is possible to get access to wonderful therapeutic results. Aromatherapy has been a popular holistic health topic for thousands of years, and many people will tell you that the promised benefits are completely accurate. For example, consider placing a few drops of Rosemary oil on a cotton ball and dabbing it on your forehead during a headache. Or, consider placing a drop of lavender oil on the light bulbs in your bedroom for enhanced relaxation during sleep. Consult a pharmacist, holistic specialist or a book on essential oils to determine if one or more could help you to improve your well-being.
Visiting an Aromatherapist
If you are interested in working with a holistic therapist who deals with aromatherapy on a daily basis, consider an aroma massage with an aromatherapist. The therapist will create a custom oil blend for your visit, according to how you are feeling and your emotional state at the time of the visit. Then, they will use a soft massage technique to apply the oils to your body. You should begin to see the benefits immediately, and you should discuss what you should do for the next day or two in order to enhance the effects of the massage and oils even more.
Chapter 11 : Homeopathy
Homeopathy was first introduced in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and undertakes to treat patients with heavily diluted preparations.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
ADD is becoming one of the most commonly issued diagnoses among young children and adolescents today. Unfortunately, the treatment options are limited and most include the use of strong medications with terrible side effects. A better approach might be to treat only the symptoms that are present and to treat in order to prevent the appearance of new symptoms. Homeopathic treatment includes not only natural medicines but psychological counseling as well. The goal is to treat the patient and not the disease. There are many traditional physicians who will work with you to develop a homeopathic treatment plan and there are many holistic physicians who specialize in this type of treatment.
Allergy Relief
If you suffer from allergies, you already know the frustration of treatments that just don’t work. Sure, they may mask symptoms for a while but they are not going to provide lasting relief. Homeopathic allergy treatment is different because instead of treating the symptoms, the goal is to strengthen the body to a point where it can resist the allergens that are behind the symptoms. While there are treatments available for the symptoms, a patient can expect to be given medications that make their immune system build upon itself to create a natural defense.
Chapter 12 : Vitamins and Herbs
Vitamin D
Supplements are one way to increase your Vitamin D intake, however the best way to get this nutrient is from sunshine. The human body synthesizes Vitamin D that is absorbed through the skin when exposed to sunlight. Many people are not getting the sun exposure that they require because of the risk of skin cancer; however in moderation – about 5 minutes a day - sunlight is very beneficial.
Vitamin C
Getting sunburn is definitely unpleasant. By taking an extra dose of vitamin C prior to beginning your sun exposure, you are boosting your skin’s natural defenses. If you would like increased protection, consider adding vitamin E as well.
Vitamins C and B
If you happen to overindulge with alcohol, you should immediately drink a glass of water and take some Vitamins B and C. This combination will start to remove the alcohol from your bloodstream and start the process of recovering so that you feel better faster.
Foods rich in the B vitamins and B supplements are thought to be some of the most beneficial to the human body. B vitamins are excellent for the nervous system, the skin and are even used to treat respiratory problems including asthma. Foods like brown rice, baked potatoes and fish contain vitamin B. Try adding more to your diet.
Oranges and Fennel Seed
Make a mixture of a tablespoon each of orange peel and fennel seed added to two cups of water. Boil and then steep this tea. Add honey to sweeten and drink it when you are suffering from indigestion. The tea should refrigerate for about 48 hours, and will taste primarily like fennel.
Rosemary Tea
Rosemary is a kitchen herb known for its ability to stimulate the senses. If you are feeling tired but have a lot to get accomplished you might do well to drink some Rosemary tea. This is also an excellent remedy for headaches.
Ipecac Syrup
While this is one of the common ingredients in most home first aid kits, you may not realize that it is also a homeopathic remedy for vomiting when taken in very tiny doses. While ipecac will not do much for patients experiencing nausea, it will work wonders for you if you are experiencing continuous vomiting. A homeopathic physician or pharmacist can recommend exact dosages for you.
Gingko is known for its ability to stimulate the mind and to help the brain to metabolize nutrients correctly. In some cases, the herb has been noted to reduce the effects of aging and to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Gingko leaves are ground into a powder and the extract can be used in many different forms. A few years ago, it became very common to see Gingko added to just about everything in the supermarket. A homeopathic physician can help you to determine whether you would benefit from a Gingko supplement.
Garlic and Honey
If you are at risk of or suffer from high blood pressure, consider eating a teaspoon of minced garlic mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey every day. Honey and garlic are known for being healing foods, and when combined they are extremely beneficial to the circulatory system.
Beeswax is the base for a homeopathic diaper cream solution. By adding in other herbs such as chickweed and marshmallow, you are creating a cream that is not only developed perfectly from nature, but one that will not stain and stick to your hands. This cream is far gentler than the conventional diaper rash creams currently on the market.
Many people suffer from cramps in their legs, particularly in the calves. Drinking more water will probably help to relieve the frequency and, adding magnesium to your diet is a great way to eliminate these cramps forever.
If you have an ear infection or ear pain, belladonna extract could possibly help to alleviate it. This extract helps to reduce inflammation in the blood vessels, one of the common causes of ear pain. Other ailments for which belladonna will help include toothaches, fevers, restlessness or insomnia and eye pain resulting from dryness.
St. John’s Wort
This plant extract is known for its ability to help relieve the symptoms of depression, grief and anxiety. You can also try taking St. John’s Wort for any injury that causes sharp pains or a repetitive stress injury. This supplement is commonly added to teas and is also widely available in capsules and tablets.
Poison Ivy
Although it is not commonly thought of as a good thing, poison ivy extract is actually an excellent pain reliever for sprains and strains. Sometimes, the extract is given to patients with severe flu symptoms or even arthritis.
Homeopathic remedies for teething contain this extract, which is known for its calming effects. The safest way to use this extract is in a cream or gel designed specifically for teething babies. There are specifically designed capsules that are placed under the baby’s tongue to induce calmness and relieve pain.
Onions are an excellent treatment option for those suffering from allergies because the root is completely natural and proves to be very effective at opening nasal passages. It’s not as simple as eating an onion however. Because onions cause the same symptoms that allergy sufferer’s dread, an extract should be taken in tiny doses, until the body begins to ignore the irritant and to develop a defense against the patients other allergens.
If you suffer from athlete’s foot, you already realize that there is little you seem to be able to do in order to stop the affliction. That is true with traditional medications. However, using oils of lavender, garlic and tea-tree in an alcohol solution will help to ward off the problem once and for all.
Peppermint Oil
If you get chronic tension headaches and have found conventional medications to be failing, it might be a good idea to consider trying peppermint oil. A few drops of this oil can be placed on a cotton ball and applied to the forehead. Take a few minutes to relax and allow the oil to penetrate the skin.
Sesame Oil
Warm a small amount of sesame oil, and massage into the scalp before washing your hair in order to induce sleep. This can also be an effective technique to stop a headache. Scalp massage in general is a good treatment option, however when combined with sesame oil the effects are better felt.
Passion Flower Extract
If you suffer from anxiety disorder, depression or hyperactivity this extract can help eliminate daily anxiety, calm hyperactivity and relieve stress. The calming effects of this extract are also thought to help with high blood pressure.
One of the most commonly treated medical conditions in the world today is anxiety disorder. Thankfully, nature provided us with natural stress relievers like passion flower, lemon balm, lavender and valerian to name a few. Consider trying these various extracts to test their effect on your anxiety and stress levels with essential oils, teas and other forms.
Feverfew has been used for centuries by medical experts to treat rheumatoid arthritis and migraine headaches. This root is known for its ability to reduce swelling and fevers as well. You can try a tablet or even feverfew tea.
Bee Products
If you suffer from stiff joints or arthritis, consider trying bee venom in any of its popular forms. You might try a cream made from royal jelly, eating raw honey or even using bee venom itself. If you are interested in experiencing the healing relief of bee venom, contact an apitherapist, who will actually administer bee stings to your affected joints. If you are allergic to bee stings, you should not consider this treatment.
If you experience joint pain or stiffness, you might benefit from ginger caplets or simply more ginger in your diet. Ginger is an antioxidant that is known to assist the body in preserving cartilage. You can find ginger supplements in any health food store.
Coriander Oil
Coriander oil or extract can be added to mineral oil for massaging sore joints, or it can be brewed into a tea. Try making a 1 to 5 solution in an oil of your choice, letting it sit for 24 hours and then applying to sore joints.
This herb has been used for thousands of years to treat the symptoms of the common cold. It is thought to be an excellent immunity booster. There are many different forms of Echinacea currently on the market. Depending on whether you are taking it as a preventative supplement or to treat current symptoms, the dosage may differ.
Chapter 13 : Natural Food Choices
Many people who eat unhealthy diets believe that they are following a sound nutritional plan. However, those same people often do not include fruits and vegetables with every meal and they often eat meals on the go without giving it a second thought. If you want your body to perform at high-efficiency, you must provide it with high-efficiency foods and this means more whole, raw foods and as few preservatives as possible.
Planning Your Eating
This is one of the things that nutritionists will tell you to do when you want to improve your eating habits. For one thing, you will not be hungry if you are prepared with a meal schedule. Also, you will not be tempted by sugar and caffeine throughout the day when you have plenty of healthy alternatives on hand.
Drink More Water
Most people cannot honestly say that they drink nearly enough water. In fact, many people do not realize how much water they need to drink throughout the course of a day. You should focus on drinking half of your body weight in ounces each day and this does not include beverages other than water. In order for your body to function at its optimal, you need to make sure that you are drinking enough. Dehydration can occur when you are not getting enough water in your body and there are many dangerous and bothersome side effects to this.
Eliminating the Color White
In general, foods that are white in color contain little in terms of health benefits and are in fact better eliminated completely. This includes white bread, white pastas, potatoes, white rice and crackers that are not made from whole wheat. You can eliminate these items or replace with foods that have a higher nutritional value like wholewheat bread and pasta, sweet potatoes and brown rice.
Modify Your Diet
Many holistic experts believe that one of the keys to maintaining a healthy body is to include foods in your diet that are acidic and alkaline. Foods like meat are high in acid and fruits and vegetables tend to contain a high alkaline content. One of the reasons that this will improve your health is that your body will contain far less bacteria when it is acidic than when it is not.
Cut Down on Grains
Consider reducing the amount of grains and other carbohydrates that you are eating on a daily basis. The typical food pyramid emphasizes eating a large quantity of starches however nutritionists believe that focusing more on fruits and vegetables will keep you healthier overall.
The Raw Food Diet
This is where you eat only unprocessed and uncooked foods. Often, the damage done to the body by food occurs because of the additives and preservatives that are used in the preparation. While most people find that they cannot sustain this type of diet for an extended time period, some have transformed their life and health through raw food consumption.
Cut Out Supplements
Believe it or not, nutritionists do not recommend supplements for the sake of adding more nutrients. You should try to obtain the nutrients you need through the foods that naturally contain them. One nutrient that seems to be added to everything these days is calcium. The amount of calcium being added to products like orange juice is so minimal that it really will not help you to overcome a deficiency.
Honey is known for its amazing healing properties, and because it contains 100% natural sugars it is a safe and effective way to give yourself an energy boost. Honey is good for your skin, your circulation and for the cells of your body due to a high content of antioxidants.
Nourishing Your Body
Holistic healers believe that malnutrition is often responsible for many commonly occurring health problems, meaning that if the body does not get what it needs, illness will be the result. Imagine of you completely avoided calcium. The result would be brittle and broken bones and teeth. Well, the same applies for many other important nutrients. So, be sure to keep giving your body what it needs to stay healthy.
Chapter 14 : Skin Remedies
Holistic specialists who deal with dermatological problems will tell you that most skin problems are related to the foods you eat and the quality and amount of nutrients that you ingest. They will most likely point at food based toxins that seem to be keeping your skin from functioning effectively. One possible treatment that might be suggested is liver detoxification, considering that the liver is responsible for filtering most toxins out of the body.
You should purchase products that contain natural substances and little in the way of toxins or potential irritants, otherwise you are requiring your skin to work harder to eliminate toxins.
Your Skin Needs Water!
If you are suffering from a skin problem such as acne, eczema or some other sort of condition, the answer may be as simple as drinking more water. Improperly hydrated bodies lead to skin that is not supple and nourished enough to stop these conditions and dehydration can definitely cause skin problems that might otherwise be avoided. Make sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Making the change will help your health to improve overall and your skin will show the results.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil, in its many forms is an excellent supplement for your skin and hair. This oil is known for rejuvenation of the skin as well as repairing hair and scalp problems. Consider using a shampoo or body wash that contains the oil in order to have healthier skin and hair.
If you suffer from teen or adult acne, it might be worth trying a sulfur based cream specially formulated to work on skin lesions. Sulfur is a naturally occurring substance in the body and is therefore completely safe. There are a number of conditions that can be helped by sulfur in addition to acne. These include liver damage, shortness of breath, pink eye and lactose intolerance.
Many people spend so much time looking for the easy route that they forget to enjoy the joys of the road. Changing your perspective will take time, but try to begin thinking of obstacles as stepping-stones along the path of your life which is ever-changing and ever adapting. Sometimes we all get bogged down in our day to day chores and forget to take time out for ourselves. It is beneficial to take at least some time each day to work on personal growth and healing. Spending time working on personal growth in some way will make you more aware of any ups and downs and will give you the tools for dealing with whatever comes your way throughout your life.
Alternative medicine has become more popular recently with people who are looking to play a more active role in maintaining good health. Gone are the days where an apple a day was the only way to stay healthy. Those who have started to enjoy the benefits of holistic medical care will tell you that there is much to be said for preventative care that keeps the mind, body and spirit in excellent condition.
This report will guide you to what you can do and use to create a more healthier lifestyle for yourself through holistic and alternative medicine.
Chapter 1 : Pain Relief
If you are plagued by continuous pain and conventional pain medicines are not working to help eliminate it, consider trigger point massage for pain relief. It will help to not only ease the pain but to eliminate its source as well.
Improve Your Posture
It is important to keep your spine as straight as possible, so that your muscles do not strain and contract unnecessarily. This also keeps energy circulating throughout your body.
The Alexander method is a way to retrain the body to remain correctly postured in order to prevent and eliminate the possibility of problems such as muscle strains, nerve damage, stiff necks and many more. The purpose of this technique is to eliminate unnecessary tension within the body and to teach the body to position itself correctly.
Acupuncture is a type of holistic/alternative medicine that has been commonly practiced in the eastern part of the world for thousands of years. Five thousand years ago, the intention of acupuncture was to prolong life. With many alternative medical techniques, the intention is to prevent rather than to cure a specific or general ailment. Basically, acupuncture is used to stimulate the nerves in the body and to promote healing from within and, as a result, this positively affects all of the other bodily systems. If you are currently experiencing chronic pain, consider consulting a therapist to see if your pain might be reduced with treatments.
Asthma sufferers can find great relief from chronic symptoms through this therapy, as have arthritis sufferers and others dealing with chronic illness. Every therapist will have a different approach, and you might do well to try several therapists to see whose technique works best for you.
Reiki Healing
Reiki is a healing art that uses the body’s energy to begin and further the healing process. It is performed by using one’s hands to follow a specific pattern of massage, in order to stimulate energy movement throughout the body. There are many Reiki healers who are specially trained to perform the healing massage, or you can read about it or take a class to become a proficient Reiki healer yourself.
Biofeedback Therapy
If you are experiencing health problems and cannot seem to find the source, a biofeedback therapist will monitor your body and how it reacts to daily activities in order to find out where it is not performing optimally. In this treatment, you would wear a monitor that actually records how your body is reacting while it is turned on. If you are an athlete suffering from muscle problems, you might want to consider this treatment to determine whether you are properly resting your muscles between activities.
Reflexology is a technique of applying pressure to and stretching the hands and feet in order to send nerve messages to other parts of the body. Through the careful application of reflexology, practitioners can affect the health of various organs and parts of the body. There are many resources available if you would like to learn more about the practice of reflexology.
Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic therapy is becoming a very popular method for treating chronic pain and the conditions that cause it. Magnets are shown to increase blood flow through the body by as much as a third and this increased circulation is a great way to alleviate pain. Studies have shown that applying magnets to an injury will help to increase the healing rate. This is because the magnets correct the polarity of the body cells and increase the overall health of the area where they are applied. Healing will be faster and pain will be less when you apply magnets.
Chiropractic Medicine
If you are currently experiencing back pain, chances are that the damage has already been done. Chiropractors are specially trained to manipulate the body in a way that frees nerves and muscles to function correctly, thereby reducing pain in the body immediately. It is important to work with a Doctor of Chiropractic, who has attended college and Chiropractic College.
Even if you are experiencing an illness or injury somewhere other than in your back, there is a chance that a Chiropractor will be able to alleviate some of your symptoms. In
general, holistic chiropractors believe that most illnesses are a result of nerve impingement's somewhere in the body. By carefully manipulating the spine, these nerves can be released and symptoms or even the illness itself will fade. Consider scheduling a consultation with a chiropractor today. The visit will generally include an examination, discussion of your symptoms and possibly an adjustment to see if you experience immediate relief.
Chapter 2 : Meditation
The basic definition of meditation is to concentrate on some object or thought in order to quiet the mind. There are many different types and styles of meditation; however the one thing that is consistent is that not every technique will work for every person. Every one can benefit from some type of meditation. Take some time to read about different techniques or talk to a holistic healer for more information about what might work for you.
Buddhist Meditation
Buddhist meditation deals primarily with the quest for knowledge, and is one of the more popular styles of meditation used in the world today. The premise is that by meditating you are spending some quiet time to improve the state of your mind. Getting started is as simple as finding a quiet space to relax, taking some deep breaths and letting thoughts enter and pass through your mind without concentrating on any specific thought.
Mindful Breathing
The process of mindful breathing is a form of meditation; however it is also a great way to get more oxygen into your blood and tissues. If you start right now and pay attention to how you are breathing, it is more than likely that you will find yourself breathing quite shallowly. This is not a healthy breathing pattern. You can start out by just inhaling completely and then slowly exhaling completely. If you take one minute to just do this focused breathing each day, you will find that you feel better during that minute and you will catch yourself paying attention to your breathing several times throughout the day. If you are stressed or tired, take a minute out of your day to breathe mindfully.
Stop the Music
Just as you would probably accomplish more during a study session without music, the same holds true for meditation. While some people will play music while they meditate, there is a question about whether music serves simply as a distraction. Try turning off the music for a week, and see for yourself if you are able to accomplish more with a quiet atmosphere.
Chapter 3 : Body Cleansing
There are many different products on the market today that can help you to eliminate toxins from the body and increase body efficiency and overall health. A complete cleanse will remove toxins and other harmful matter from your kidneys, liver and intestines. Generally how they work is that you follow a strict dietary regimen for a few weeks while the cleansing process occurs. Most people who try this agree that it makes them feel healthier and they often report a fair amount of weight loss too after the process is complete.
Peroxide Baths
Hydrogen peroxide is known for being a highly effective astringent that removes toxins or dirt from scrapes and cuts. It can do the same thing for the rest of the body as well. Simply add a quart of peroxide to your hot bath and soak for a few minutes to check for tolerance. If you don’t have any irritation that does not stop quickly, add a second quart and soak for about ten minutes. The peroxide will pull toxins from your skin and help you to flush toxins better afterwards.
Clay in its naturally occurring form is fantastic for treating many different health ailments that might go otherwise untreated. Liquid clay is available and can be taken several times a day to help with problems with the liver, headaches, arthritis and skin disorders. Clay masks are fantastic for the skin, and when used after a good exfoliation they can remove impurities and toxins.
Natural Caffeine Detox
If you have been promising to give up coffee or to cut down, you might need to actually remove the effects of caffeine from your system with a detoxification process that includes chamomile. This extract helps to calm you while washing caffeine from your system. You can use chamomile tea or a specially developed compound designed to detoxify the body.
Body Detoxification Program
The environment, stress and even the foods that we eat can affect every cell in the human body negatively. Sometimes, the body just needs a break so that it can effectively remove harmful chemicals and byproducts that reduce the body’s ability to fight disease and to function at its peak. A whole body cleanse will give you the ability to remove toxins from your intestine, organs and even your skin. Consider working with a holistic physician to see if a detoxification program could help you.
Chapter 4 : Stress and Depression
No human being is equipped to function in constant stress mode. It is unhealthy to have a life filled with all work and no play. Some of the most common health problems that result when a person doesn’t relax enough include high blood pressure, stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders. Be sure to take some time out for yourself at least once a week, preferably once a day. This can help to prevent, and in some cases eliminate, these chronic health problems.
Avoid Television
Believe it or not, television actually induces negative feelings in most viewers as a result of the commonplace violence and gossip. Television viewing is not nearly as relaxing as some people claim. Try giving up your television shows for a week, replacing them with other activities. You will most likely find that you are better rested, happier and less stressed at the end of that week.
If you are suffering from depression, practicing yoga may help you to overcome the symptoms and get to the root of what is causing the problem in the first place. Through the practice of yoga, you are attempting to connect to your spirit and to reconnect your mind and body. With practice, you may begin to see the symptoms of depression begin to lessen almost immediately.
Bioenergetic Therapy
Bioenergetics is an alternative therapy that includes a combination of different techniques used together to help your body fight off illnesses, depression and other conditions. Practitioners observe the patient and form a treatment plan that works to correct things, such as breathing patterns and stress levels, in order to begin identifying and alleviating problems that the patient is experiencing. This therapy combines biofeedback with talk and touch therapy, acupuncture and nutritional counseling in a specific way determined by each individual patient.
Chapter 5 : Sleeping
In today’s busy world, there is a tendency to turn the bedroom into a home office and multipurpose room. This is not recommended, as the bedroom should be instilling a sense of relaxation and restfulness. Do your best to avoid stress and exertion within an hour of your bedtime. Consider having a cup of chamomile tea before bed or using lavender infused oil in order to help induce a sense of relaxation. Try to get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, to maintain healthy sleep habits.
Improve Your Sleeping Habits
One of the best things that everyone can do to improve their well-being is to moderate their sleeping patterns. Unfortunately, poor sleep is a habit learned by nearly everyone during the teenage years. It is critical to allow your body the time it needs to wind down and relax so that you can be rejuvenated. If you feel tired during the day, when you awaken in the morning or exhausted before bedtime it is a sign that you are not getting the right amount of sleep. This could be too much, or too little. Try setting aside eight hours for sleep each night, getting into bed no less than half an hour prior to the time that you want to be asleep. If you do this for a few weeks, you will find positive improvements in your overall health and productivity.
Paying Attention to Your Dreams
Dreams can tell you a lot of information that you might not otherwise realize. Therapists believe that through our dreams, we become aware of personal struggles, fears and internal conflicts. Consider keeping a dream journal, where you record at least the major themes of what you are dreaming. Do this as soon as you can after waking, so that you make sure to get the essence of your dreams. Pay attention to patterns, serial dreams and symbols that seem to reappear often. Find out what these things represent to you by meditating on the symbol or theme, or look them up in a dream dictionary for the generally accepted explanation. While this may not represent the meaning for you, it will give you a place to start.
How to Remember Your Dreams
If you are experiencing personal conflicts, feeling stressed or would just like to gain a new level of access to your inner thoughts, consider learning to control your dreams to make them work for you. By concentrating on your hands several times throughout the day, asking yourself if you are dreaming, you will start to remember to look at your hands while dreaming. If you can control your hands in your dreams, you will already be able to change the course of your dreams and to play an interactive part. This can include bringing specific people into your dreams, or even asking specific people to leave them. Try this technique, and you will be amazed the first time that you are dreaming, and realize that you are actually able to do more than just watch what is happening.
Chapter 6 : Color Therapy
Try changing the colors in your wardrobe to better suit your emotional needs during any particular time in your life. For example, if you feel that you are in need of a personal change, or that you need to build your self-esteem, consider wearing purple more, as this color is known for its connection with self-healing. If you are stressed, try wearing light blue. Green is a great color to add when you feel like you have recently made a personal accomplishment, since it is a color known for renewing effects.
Pay Attention to Color
Although you may have stopped paying attention to color as a young child, there is definitely some benefit to examining what colors you tend to use, enjoy and prefer. Color is directly associated with body energy and emotions. Sometimes, you may feel out of balance and not realize that it is the colors surrounding you that are impacting your mind-body balance. For example, if you tend to wear a lot of red or to surround yourself with red, you may be over-stimulating your emotions. However, if you frequently feel tired or listless you might want to add more red to your wardrobe
Chapter 7 : General Wellbeing Tips
Go to the Dentist
If you have fillings that could possibly contain Mercury, it is a good idea to have those fillings replaced by your dentist. If you are feeling poorly and cannot explain why, this may be the culprit. Mercury poisoning is slow and often masks itself with symptoms of other health problems. Your dentist can tell you whether you should consider having any of your fillings replaced.
Consider a Liver Flush
Gallstones form in the bile ducts and the gallbladder, and may be to blame for medical problems that go otherwise unexplained. By performing a liver flush you are helping your body to eliminate the built up toxins and gallstones. If you are interested in instructions for a liver flush, you can find them at any reputable holistic healer and even online. If you have any health problems, or suspect that you might, you should speak with your doctor prior to performing the process.
Chapter 8 : Body and Mind
Positive energy is contagious. If you do something nice for someone today, chances are that before the end of the day that person will do something nice for someone else. Holding the door for someone costs you nothing more than a few seconds out of your day and, if that person is having a bad day, it might just be the little pick up needed to put them in a better mood. Little things mean a lot, and if you are doing nice things for people, you will begin to feel better about yourself.
Be Gracious
Gratitude is extremely powerful, and remembering to say thank you for even the littlest things can be a powerful positive change. Expressing gratitude is much more pleasant than expressing frustration, and it will eventually begin to replace the negative habit of complaining that we all get into sometimes.
Transpersonal Therapy
If you have found that standard therapy is not working out for you, this is an approach that helps many people to feel more comfortable. In this type of psychotherapy, the therapist and the patient focus on making a significant connection with one another in order to remove anyone from a superior position. Many patients have found that when they feel a connection with their therapist, they feel that they can be more open-minded and receptive.
Ayurvedic Medicine
Indian medicine focuses treatment for patients upon their constitution – based upon the elements of water, fire, earth, space and air. According to this centuries old practice, it is believed that diet, activities and healthcare can be specifically targeted to the individual. There are a number of factors that help determine your constitutional type according to Ayurveda typing. You can work with a practicing Ayurveda doctor, or you can find information about type determination online.
Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic medicine practitioners believe that a symptom is little more than the body’s defense against stress. Therefore, they take the approach that finding a substance that behaves in the same way that the body does, that substance can be used to fight off the ailment or infection. Take a walk through a health food or nutritional supplement store and you are bound to see a homeopathic remedy for many common health problems.
Playing an Active Role
If you have decided to see a holistic practitioner, one of the things that you need to realize when you get started is that this is not the passive medicine that you may have experienced in the past. The practitioners are there to guide you as the patient, however you will need to make a significant effort and work with your practitioner to determine the best treatments for you and to increase the effectiveness of them. Many patients find that taking an active role in treatment makes the effects more immediate and tangible.
Avoid Clutter
Clutter is an energy buster. If your bedroom is cluttered, the energy will not flow as freely as it should and your sleep will be affected in a negative way. Not only that, but clutter is frustrating, because it often keeps you from finding something that you need in a few seconds. Take the time to eliminate clutter, but start small with one area at a time otherwise you risk overwhelming yourself with a lot of work.
Be Mindful
If you feel bored, or feel as though you are stretching every minute to its fullest extent in order to get things done, you are probably a good candidate for the practice of mindfulness. Through mindfulness, you are going to get to the root of what is causing you to feel stressed or bored. Often there is something deeper that is causing you anxiety and through this technique you are likely to discover what that something is. The premise is to let go of pain and to allow thoughts to flow freely. By trying to suppress feelings and control thoughts, you are actually doing your body more harm than good.
Transpersonal Art Therapy
Through this practice, you will create artwork and accomplish personal transformations as your work progresses. Don’t worry, no previous experience or talent is required and this type of counseling can be very effective even for young children.
Perform an Act of Love
Many holistic healers claim that there is no more powerful medicine than love and that simply giving or receiving affection such as a hug can raise the spirits and begin to heal the body. If you are suffering from grief of some sort, love may be all that you need to start healing.
Nourish Your Soul
Just like the mind and body, the soul also needs nourishment to continue to grow and develop. Your soul is what provides you with energy and vitality. Every one has different soul food, however most find that their soul is nourished by a walk outdoors or spending time with friends and family.
If you take the time to listen to your inner voice, your soul will tell you what it needs. It is important to take the time to listen otherwise you can lose your soul and not be able to find out what it is that you are missing. Just a few moments of quiet each day and you are bound to learn something that can change your life.
Sound Therapy
Sound therapy is becoming commonplace in homes with newborn infants and older adults. There are many benefits of sound therapy including calming and increasing the patients overall well being. Find some soft music that you enjoy and try playing it at the lowest possible volume in a quiet room. You will find that before too long, if you are quiet and relaxed, that you hear the music as though it were at full volume.
Holistic Athletic Training
If you are an athlete, you might benefit from the experience of working with a holistic trainer who focuses not only on injury recovery, but also on performance analysis, counseling and injury prevention. Through the holistic approach, your mental and physical needs will be addressed and you can improve your performance significantly as a result.
Kinesiology is a holistic approach to traditional biofeedback therapy, where the body is studied in order to determine the source of potential and current problems. Through monitoring of your body, your Kinesiologist will determine a course of alternative treatments that will help you to perform to the best of your capabilities.
Osteopathy is commonly regarded as an excellent way to strengthen the body after an injury, however it is also known as an excellent treatment option for those with headaches, digestive disorders and several other health problems. The intent of an osteotherapist is to correct problems with the skeleton in order to alleviate or prevent illness and injury.
Prevention is Better than Cure
For example, if you are suffering from indigestion it makes more sense to eliminate the foods that are causing the problem than it does to take medication after the pain starts. Holistic healers are looking to heal the whole body, and therefore it is believed that first you stop doing the things that are harming you and then you replace those things with nutrients that are better for you. This can apply to the body, the mind or the soul.
Chapter 9 : Hypnotherapy
There are many different schools of hypnotherapy that all center around the idea of using altered states of consciousness to help you find and resolve issues within yourself. The primary goal of hypnosis is a short-term therapeutic process that can help the patient to find a deep issue that they have been unable to realize in their conscious mind, so that they can begin to find a solution to the problems that they are facing.
Lose Weight or Stop Smoking
There are many programs available that offer assistance to people who want to lose weight or stop smoking but who have been unable to remove psychological obstacles that are standing in their way. Generally, in only a few sessions, the patient will become receptive to the hypnosis and will begin to see results quickly. It is important to find a reputable program and hypnotherapist who can demonstrate proven results from their techniques.
Chapter 10 : Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a simple way to change your daily life. Through the use of essential oils, it is possible to get access to wonderful therapeutic results. Aromatherapy has been a popular holistic health topic for thousands of years, and many people will tell you that the promised benefits are completely accurate. For example, consider placing a few drops of Rosemary oil on a cotton ball and dabbing it on your forehead during a headache. Or, consider placing a drop of lavender oil on the light bulbs in your bedroom for enhanced relaxation during sleep. Consult a pharmacist, holistic specialist or a book on essential oils to determine if one or more could help you to improve your well-being.
Visiting an Aromatherapist
If you are interested in working with a holistic therapist who deals with aromatherapy on a daily basis, consider an aroma massage with an aromatherapist. The therapist will create a custom oil blend for your visit, according to how you are feeling and your emotional state at the time of the visit. Then, they will use a soft massage technique to apply the oils to your body. You should begin to see the benefits immediately, and you should discuss what you should do for the next day or two in order to enhance the effects of the massage and oils even more.
Chapter 11 : Homeopathy
Homeopathy was first introduced in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and undertakes to treat patients with heavily diluted preparations.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
ADD is becoming one of the most commonly issued diagnoses among young children and adolescents today. Unfortunately, the treatment options are limited and most include the use of strong medications with terrible side effects. A better approach might be to treat only the symptoms that are present and to treat in order to prevent the appearance of new symptoms. Homeopathic treatment includes not only natural medicines but psychological counseling as well. The goal is to treat the patient and not the disease. There are many traditional physicians who will work with you to develop a homeopathic treatment plan and there are many holistic physicians who specialize in this type of treatment.
Allergy Relief
If you suffer from allergies, you already know the frustration of treatments that just don’t work. Sure, they may mask symptoms for a while but they are not going to provide lasting relief. Homeopathic allergy treatment is different because instead of treating the symptoms, the goal is to strengthen the body to a point where it can resist the allergens that are behind the symptoms. While there are treatments available for the symptoms, a patient can expect to be given medications that make their immune system build upon itself to create a natural defense.
Chapter 12 : Vitamins and Herbs
Vitamin D
Supplements are one way to increase your Vitamin D intake, however the best way to get this nutrient is from sunshine. The human body synthesizes Vitamin D that is absorbed through the skin when exposed to sunlight. Many people are not getting the sun exposure that they require because of the risk of skin cancer; however in moderation – about 5 minutes a day - sunlight is very beneficial.
Vitamin C
Getting sunburn is definitely unpleasant. By taking an extra dose of vitamin C prior to beginning your sun exposure, you are boosting your skin’s natural defenses. If you would like increased protection, consider adding vitamin E as well.
Vitamins C and B
If you happen to overindulge with alcohol, you should immediately drink a glass of water and take some Vitamins B and C. This combination will start to remove the alcohol from your bloodstream and start the process of recovering so that you feel better faster.
Foods rich in the B vitamins and B supplements are thought to be some of the most beneficial to the human body. B vitamins are excellent for the nervous system, the skin and are even used to treat respiratory problems including asthma. Foods like brown rice, baked potatoes and fish contain vitamin B. Try adding more to your diet.
Oranges and Fennel Seed
Make a mixture of a tablespoon each of orange peel and fennel seed added to two cups of water. Boil and then steep this tea. Add honey to sweeten and drink it when you are suffering from indigestion. The tea should refrigerate for about 48 hours, and will taste primarily like fennel.
Rosemary Tea
Rosemary is a kitchen herb known for its ability to stimulate the senses. If you are feeling tired but have a lot to get accomplished you might do well to drink some Rosemary tea. This is also an excellent remedy for headaches.
Ipecac Syrup
While this is one of the common ingredients in most home first aid kits, you may not realize that it is also a homeopathic remedy for vomiting when taken in very tiny doses. While ipecac will not do much for patients experiencing nausea, it will work wonders for you if you are experiencing continuous vomiting. A homeopathic physician or pharmacist can recommend exact dosages for you.
Gingko is known for its ability to stimulate the mind and to help the brain to metabolize nutrients correctly. In some cases, the herb has been noted to reduce the effects of aging and to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Gingko leaves are ground into a powder and the extract can be used in many different forms. A few years ago, it became very common to see Gingko added to just about everything in the supermarket. A homeopathic physician can help you to determine whether you would benefit from a Gingko supplement.
Garlic and Honey
If you are at risk of or suffer from high blood pressure, consider eating a teaspoon of minced garlic mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey every day. Honey and garlic are known for being healing foods, and when combined they are extremely beneficial to the circulatory system.
Beeswax is the base for a homeopathic diaper cream solution. By adding in other herbs such as chickweed and marshmallow, you are creating a cream that is not only developed perfectly from nature, but one that will not stain and stick to your hands. This cream is far gentler than the conventional diaper rash creams currently on the market.
Many people suffer from cramps in their legs, particularly in the calves. Drinking more water will probably help to relieve the frequency and, adding magnesium to your diet is a great way to eliminate these cramps forever.
If you have an ear infection or ear pain, belladonna extract could possibly help to alleviate it. This extract helps to reduce inflammation in the blood vessels, one of the common causes of ear pain. Other ailments for which belladonna will help include toothaches, fevers, restlessness or insomnia and eye pain resulting from dryness.
St. John’s Wort
This plant extract is known for its ability to help relieve the symptoms of depression, grief and anxiety. You can also try taking St. John’s Wort for any injury that causes sharp pains or a repetitive stress injury. This supplement is commonly added to teas and is also widely available in capsules and tablets.
Poison Ivy
Although it is not commonly thought of as a good thing, poison ivy extract is actually an excellent pain reliever for sprains and strains. Sometimes, the extract is given to patients with severe flu symptoms or even arthritis.
Homeopathic remedies for teething contain this extract, which is known for its calming effects. The safest way to use this extract is in a cream or gel designed specifically for teething babies. There are specifically designed capsules that are placed under the baby’s tongue to induce calmness and relieve pain.
Onions are an excellent treatment option for those suffering from allergies because the root is completely natural and proves to be very effective at opening nasal passages. It’s not as simple as eating an onion however. Because onions cause the same symptoms that allergy sufferer’s dread, an extract should be taken in tiny doses, until the body begins to ignore the irritant and to develop a defense against the patients other allergens.
If you suffer from athlete’s foot, you already realize that there is little you seem to be able to do in order to stop the affliction. That is true with traditional medications. However, using oils of lavender, garlic and tea-tree in an alcohol solution will help to ward off the problem once and for all.
Peppermint Oil
If you get chronic tension headaches and have found conventional medications to be failing, it might be a good idea to consider trying peppermint oil. A few drops of this oil can be placed on a cotton ball and applied to the forehead. Take a few minutes to relax and allow the oil to penetrate the skin.
Sesame Oil
Warm a small amount of sesame oil, and massage into the scalp before washing your hair in order to induce sleep. This can also be an effective technique to stop a headache. Scalp massage in general is a good treatment option, however when combined with sesame oil the effects are better felt.
Passion Flower Extract
If you suffer from anxiety disorder, depression or hyperactivity this extract can help eliminate daily anxiety, calm hyperactivity and relieve stress. The calming effects of this extract are also thought to help with high blood pressure.
One of the most commonly treated medical conditions in the world today is anxiety disorder. Thankfully, nature provided us with natural stress relievers like passion flower, lemon balm, lavender and valerian to name a few. Consider trying these various extracts to test their effect on your anxiety and stress levels with essential oils, teas and other forms.
Feverfew has been used for centuries by medical experts to treat rheumatoid arthritis and migraine headaches. This root is known for its ability to reduce swelling and fevers as well. You can try a tablet or even feverfew tea.
Bee Products
If you suffer from stiff joints or arthritis, consider trying bee venom in any of its popular forms. You might try a cream made from royal jelly, eating raw honey or even using bee venom itself. If you are interested in experiencing the healing relief of bee venom, contact an apitherapist, who will actually administer bee stings to your affected joints. If you are allergic to bee stings, you should not consider this treatment.
If you experience joint pain or stiffness, you might benefit from ginger caplets or simply more ginger in your diet. Ginger is an antioxidant that is known to assist the body in preserving cartilage. You can find ginger supplements in any health food store.
Coriander Oil
Coriander oil or extract can be added to mineral oil for massaging sore joints, or it can be brewed into a tea. Try making a 1 to 5 solution in an oil of your choice, letting it sit for 24 hours and then applying to sore joints.
This herb has been used for thousands of years to treat the symptoms of the common cold. It is thought to be an excellent immunity booster. There are many different forms of Echinacea currently on the market. Depending on whether you are taking it as a preventative supplement or to treat current symptoms, the dosage may differ.
Chapter 13 : Natural Food Choices
Many people who eat unhealthy diets believe that they are following a sound nutritional plan. However, those same people often do not include fruits and vegetables with every meal and they often eat meals on the go without giving it a second thought. If you want your body to perform at high-efficiency, you must provide it with high-efficiency foods and this means more whole, raw foods and as few preservatives as possible.
Planning Your Eating
This is one of the things that nutritionists will tell you to do when you want to improve your eating habits. For one thing, you will not be hungry if you are prepared with a meal schedule. Also, you will not be tempted by sugar and caffeine throughout the day when you have plenty of healthy alternatives on hand.
Drink More Water
Most people cannot honestly say that they drink nearly enough water. In fact, many people do not realize how much water they need to drink throughout the course of a day. You should focus on drinking half of your body weight in ounces each day and this does not include beverages other than water. In order for your body to function at its optimal, you need to make sure that you are drinking enough. Dehydration can occur when you are not getting enough water in your body and there are many dangerous and bothersome side effects to this.
Eliminating the Color White
In general, foods that are white in color contain little in terms of health benefits and are in fact better eliminated completely. This includes white bread, white pastas, potatoes, white rice and crackers that are not made from whole wheat. You can eliminate these items or replace with foods that have a higher nutritional value like wholewheat bread and pasta, sweet potatoes and brown rice.
Modify Your Diet
Many holistic experts believe that one of the keys to maintaining a healthy body is to include foods in your diet that are acidic and alkaline. Foods like meat are high in acid and fruits and vegetables tend to contain a high alkaline content. One of the reasons that this will improve your health is that your body will contain far less bacteria when it is acidic than when it is not.
Cut Down on Grains
Consider reducing the amount of grains and other carbohydrates that you are eating on a daily basis. The typical food pyramid emphasizes eating a large quantity of starches however nutritionists believe that focusing more on fruits and vegetables will keep you healthier overall.
The Raw Food Diet
This is where you eat only unprocessed and uncooked foods. Often, the damage done to the body by food occurs because of the additives and preservatives that are used in the preparation. While most people find that they cannot sustain this type of diet for an extended time period, some have transformed their life and health through raw food consumption.
Cut Out Supplements
Believe it or not, nutritionists do not recommend supplements for the sake of adding more nutrients. You should try to obtain the nutrients you need through the foods that naturally contain them. One nutrient that seems to be added to everything these days is calcium. The amount of calcium being added to products like orange juice is so minimal that it really will not help you to overcome a deficiency.
Honey is known for its amazing healing properties, and because it contains 100% natural sugars it is a safe and effective way to give yourself an energy boost. Honey is good for your skin, your circulation and for the cells of your body due to a high content of antioxidants.
Nourishing Your Body
Holistic healers believe that malnutrition is often responsible for many commonly occurring health problems, meaning that if the body does not get what it needs, illness will be the result. Imagine of you completely avoided calcium. The result would be brittle and broken bones and teeth. Well, the same applies for many other important nutrients. So, be sure to keep giving your body what it needs to stay healthy.
Chapter 14 : Skin Remedies
Holistic specialists who deal with dermatological problems will tell you that most skin problems are related to the foods you eat and the quality and amount of nutrients that you ingest. They will most likely point at food based toxins that seem to be keeping your skin from functioning effectively. One possible treatment that might be suggested is liver detoxification, considering that the liver is responsible for filtering most toxins out of the body.
You should purchase products that contain natural substances and little in the way of toxins or potential irritants, otherwise you are requiring your skin to work harder to eliminate toxins.
Your Skin Needs Water!
If you are suffering from a skin problem such as acne, eczema or some other sort of condition, the answer may be as simple as drinking more water. Improperly hydrated bodies lead to skin that is not supple and nourished enough to stop these conditions and dehydration can definitely cause skin problems that might otherwise be avoided. Make sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Making the change will help your health to improve overall and your skin will show the results.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil, in its many forms is an excellent supplement for your skin and hair. This oil is known for rejuvenation of the skin as well as repairing hair and scalp problems. Consider using a shampoo or body wash that contains the oil in order to have healthier skin and hair.
If you suffer from teen or adult acne, it might be worth trying a sulfur based cream specially formulated to work on skin lesions. Sulfur is a naturally occurring substance in the body and is therefore completely safe. There are a number of conditions that can be helped by sulfur in addition to acne. These include liver damage, shortness of breath, pink eye and lactose intolerance.
Many people spend so much time looking for the easy route that they forget to enjoy the joys of the road. Changing your perspective will take time, but try to begin thinking of obstacles as stepping-stones along the path of your life which is ever-changing and ever adapting. Sometimes we all get bogged down in our day to day chores and forget to take time out for ourselves. It is beneficial to take at least some time each day to work on personal growth and healing. Spending time working on personal growth in some way will make you more aware of any ups and downs and will give you the tools for dealing with whatever comes your way throughout your life.
Friday, 12 September 2014
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Bria Homes
Kasabay ng pagtapos ng model house ng Lumina Homes Tanza ang pagkaubos ng 30units na natitira sa Phase 1A. Kung gusto mo pa humabol sa presyong P485k, bili na! Dahil magpaprice increase na kme sa pagbubukas ng showcase area at ang karugtong na phase 1B ngaung setyembre!
Monday, 1 September 2014
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GOD EXCLUSIVE TO ONE RELIGION??? BEFORE the - families - tribes - nations - sects - congregations - religions - idols in ston...
Much guilt comes from the difference / the gap between what people believe is right/wrong and what they truthfully, naturally, actually t...